September School Admissions

By Australianexpat •
Hi Guys and Girls,
My family and I have just arrived in Doha and are currently looking to enrol our 8 year old daughter into school for the 2013-2014 year.
As you will already know it is extremely difficult to find a school that will take on new students. Any advice on schools that are accepting applications would be greatly appreciated.
For info we are living in the Ain Khalid area so schools within a reasonable commute are preferable to those in the West Bay area.
Thanks for your responses
Hello "shooting" do you have any idea about the fees of Phoenix???
Hello ray can you please advise what's going on in Aja please???
I am facing lot of problems there with my 2 kids.
I think you have all demonstrated that doing your research - on Qatar Living is not exactly reliable. Lets remember people post their opinion on Qatar Living and more often than not; they reflect biased views or people write what their friends, friend told them about a school. The Pheonix Private School is a new school yet to prove itself to the world. However for those of us that already know... it is a great school, with a dedicated leadership team and UK trained members of staff.
They teach Read Write Inc daily which involves learning the letters and sounds of English, reading and writing - it works VERY well for ESL children. They also work to enhance children's comprehension and writing skills and from experience' I can assure you that all children make good progress if not amazing progress. Just by calling or visiting the HR team you will see how lovely they really are.
Kind regards Teacher X
I am thinking to admit my daughter " grade 4" to phoenix school, has any one had experience with school in this grade level. what is their fees, and is there an admission exam.
Ray, Good for giving us 1st hand experience / feed back ......
Don't touch Al Jazeera Academy....the worst school ever....I'm the Principal and I don't even send my own son there anymore....ParkHouse is next door....much better.
I work at Doha British School.
There might be spaces for year levels that ur kids are in. Because there are leavers for the second term :)
[email protected]
[email protected]
P.S. DBS is loc at ain Khalid *wink
Hi My children attend The Phoenix Private school and I am very happy with the progress that they are making. Coming from the UK I was very worried about the standard of education in Qatar but my children are actually being taught to a better standard than their school in the UK.
The school has a wonderful atmosphere and me and my children are very happy. The school also has a uniform which is very convenient.
I would highly recommend this school to any parents looking for a school place for their children.
My 7 year old has had a year at Loydence Academy in Al Azizya. The classes are small, the teachers are all british and the head mistress is British. The education was very good. The school lacks some facilities and I am sure they will readliy admit that. It ahs taken us a year to get our children into a school we want them to stay in (one with primary and secondary), but Loydence did a great job for the 12 months they were with them.
Can you elaborate as I think the posts referred to above have been removed.
Anyone got any experience of this school?
You need to really check the background of this school. Posts are available on this forum. Just because there are no other schools available does not mean this is the ideal choice.
Homework people...
hi there is a new school after opening its called phoenix private school they still have some here since April and couldn't get my kids into any of the other schools, we have them on a list for park house since march and still no places....
Well Doha College is certainly the top school in arrogance - I have worked at PHES, DBS, DC and Sherborne as a supply teacher. These are all very good schools which any discerning westerner should be happy to get their kids into. DC are on the wane at present - loosing lots of staff and being lumbered with weak kids from DESS
Also your comment on DC being the best but not anymore....can you justify that with statistics please???
spudface.....where did you get that information from? Also...if you're talking about DBS overtaking DC and DESS in regard to universities.....May I add that DESS is primary only so unlikely that they'd be looking at university that young ;-)
How can you say that when DBS has been chosen as the school that leads most teams out for sports events here. It has also for the last two years been the school/college/IB program (sic) that has got the most kids into the top Universities in the UK and the USA?
It has beaten DC and DESS for the last 3 years.
u can try Middle east international school or al maha academy for girls
al maha academy for girls is in ain khalid
I think Doha College was the best fit by far for my kids which is what its all about - each to their own I guess. Took a while to get them in though as a huge wait list but it was worth the wait. For them DBS didn't really cut it as very few sports teams and real opportunities outside of the curriculum despite what their website says, wouldn't agree that it had an excellent reputation but its ok. Al Jazeera a definite no-no. Would place Park House above DBS for an all round school experience. Good luck finding somewhere.
The schools may be shut but offices and on line requests are still being dealt with.
The nearest school to you is DBS; Doha British School. Been open 15 years and has an excellent reputation. Run by an ex teacher from DESS - most of the teachers are Western or Western trained.
After that you may want to look at either Park House or Al Jazeera - these 2 school are at the bottom/top of the Wholesale Market Road. Google them!
DESS is near Al Alhi Hospital and would mean at least an hours drive from Al Khalid. After that; 'near' this area you have Doha College. Used to be seen as the best but not anymore.
Good luck and all the best to your kids.
you try Al Jazeera Academy, it's also quite near Ain Khalid, here is there website...
Good evening i am a nursery teacher u can try compass or newton school. Try to send them a email if they replay!
A September start would mean getting onto a waiting list before then...All the good schools have waiting lists and interviews......
Try Doha Academy, I heard that administration are open till 4th July. It is near Ain Khaled area.
Telephone: 44509917
web site:
Yeah aware that they are closed. We are looking for schools with places in September
Schools are closed for the summer!