By family qatari •
we'r parents and 2kids looking for houskeeper part time work 5 or 6 days .
salry 850 ryals + free room food enternet.
cleaning ironing washing
send msg here or SMS on 5884557
His username says it all
400$ is the minimum contract hhahahaha dont be funny!!! ladies in hamad hospital are working for 680 riyals everyday from morning 6 till noon 5!!!
i got someone thx everyone :)
i don't know why it's mentioned "part-time", as 5-6 days a week is NOT part time..and it looks like she is looking for the live-in maid, not for the live-out one, since room+food is provided... the message is not clear...
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
yourself & save QAR. 850 per month.
I think you cannot take from local hire.
cause her 25-30 per hour.
8 hours = 160 QAR, 6 days a week = 960 QAR, 4 weeks per month + 3.840 QAR. Did you get it, familyqatari?
the going on rate for part time is 20 - 25 QR Per Hour. With or without internet.
850 QR!!!!!! ur seriously?! and if she's working full time for u where is she gonna make mroe money to send back home or to even survive!!! WTH!
As Baldrick2dogs says.. We pay for our partimer who comes 1 day a week more than that!!!!!
I pay my part time almost this much for 1/2 day a week!
better you clean your house or live it unclean..filipinas are world class in anyways whom do not deserve for the salary mentioned..i suggest you hire a on earth!
Minimum salary as determined by a contract between Qatar & phillipines is $400 US dollars. You would be breaking the law to offer such a low salary.
I hope nobody answers to this infame "offer"!!