Ras Laffan Industrial City

By Aniket Vaidya •
Do Indian professionals with family, stay in Ras Laffan Industrial City?
Or it is necessary to stay in Doha and commute to Ras Laffan Industrial City every day ?
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This area is high sensitive , high security area that only the authorized persons are allowed in. No families are allowed to live in. Majority of the people staying inside are contractors building the new plant and the facilities/infrastructure.The purpose is to limit travel and reducing risk associated with it. Those MNC's have their accomodation outside e.i. Al Khor or in Doha. If you decide to work inside RLIC you will be give the choice to live in or outside depending on your classification and with company's policy.
Well there aint any families that stay at the RLIC, people who work there either get transported to and from Doha or ppl who work at Qatargas or Rasgas stay at the Al Khor Housing Community for their employees, and I think off late there are some more houses being built for the other companies, rather just simple find a good place to stay at Al-Khor...
Depends.. some stay inside some in doha.. from what i have seen... senior officials stay in doha..
Ras Laffan Industrial City is just an Industrial Zone, ot has a few Camps with Bachelor accomodation to keep people at close proximity to site, but families are not allowed to stay here, kids are particularly not let in the main gate, unless special permission like a school expedition, which again is very rare.
So ideally you have to live anywhere in Al Khor or Doha & commute regularly.
Based on the people I know who work their I don't think families are allowed to stay there.