Privat Hospitals in Doha

How come that an event planner become a COO in a Big hospital ?
I'm sure I’m not adding anything new hear, but after knowing that the COO of a big hospital in Doha was just an event planner i started to understand why do they have such bad service.
Even the CEO couldn’t get a degree in Medicine. And I don’t think he has any degree in management, so how can those 2 big shot run a hospital?!
and we are so upset that we cant book an appointment on the phone ... how would those 2 recruit good people to give us good service? And do you know how they choose their doctors? Not just based on their experience ? But on their hair and eyes color and Nationality!!! So they believe that a doc with blue eyes will give better treatment then the one with brown eyes!! Discrimination is so high Salaries are very low and the staff is demotivated. they don't have a healthy environment for their staff.
They will always have a bad service unless they fix their managment and motivate their staff.
Till then i would rather go to Hamad and save my money.
Mona_ - It seems you've had a bad experience at a private hospital. That's fine, we all have. Feel free to share it with us, but I don't think you're going about it in the best way. You're reasoning and arguments aren't coming across very well.
An event manager isn't necessarily a ''party planner'', and there is a lot more to it than just ''party planning''. I have to agree with Tallg. I don't think that they would need a medical degree, they are not treating the patients themselves, but what is important is their managerial skills, organisation, etc etc.. We don't know what background/degree this ex-event planner has, so it's not fair to judge them just because they planned events, we don't know what kind of events as well.
so what could be the reason that you have lazy , demotivated staff? bad service ?
i couldnt even have an appointment on the fone ?! if this was in hamad ok , but private hospital ?
and if you were able to have an appointment you will have to sit in the waiting area for more then an hour of so waiting to be seen by her majesty the Doc ! i think the staff are expert in torturing the patint not serving them in a nice and LOVING way.
and why is the staff so bad ? because the managment chose them carefully ? and they know how to manage the place ?!
regardless of this hospital , why would a big organization be a big failure ? because of the junior staff or the managment ?
To run a hospital I would hope the CEO/COO had medical experience. There are so many complicated matters dealing with hospital staff/policies/patient care that without medical experience would be rather difficult to carry out effectively and efficiently.
My career is in the medical field and to think a hospital is being run by a party planner is horrifying to me. There is way more to the job than just event management, organization, and people skills. Maybe that would be fine in the HR department or PR department but NOT the CEO/COO.
tra la la
Event management covers a huge spectrum of things. It's perfectly feasible that an event manager could be COO/CEO of a hospital. Without specific details of their background it's unfair to criticise.
I don't know which hospital you're talking about so I can't comment on their service. But there could be a million reasons for bad service. Just look at many other businesses in this region.
they dont need a medical degree but they need a managment degree or managment experience.
and i dont beleive managing an event is like managing a hospital. it's not a concert or a belly dancer night or a wedding !
why arent we receiving good service if the COO/CEO are good and all the staff are qualified and all this bla bla ?!
Why would the COO/CEO need a medical degree. It's all management, organisation and people skills. Event planner sounds like a good background.
well,in this part of the world you do not have to have the qualifications to be in a higher post.if u got the money,thats what they need regardless what ur good at.
event planning takes a lot of skill and organizing...hmmmm maybe the hospital thought it would be best to hire an event planner so they could plan symposiums,lectures,meetings,parties,blah,blah,blah other than treating patients,wow,i never thought of that,,,lol
this is Doha nothing makes sense