Pregnancy in Qatar

By Gypsy_2222 •
If my husband and I both work in Qatar, have a young child and are planning on getting pregnant again, it seems logical that he should be the one accepting a contract that includes housing, right?
Is it socially acceptable for a teacher to teach while she is pregnant in Qatar? What happens to my contract once I give birth? Can my baby still be Canadian if he or she is born in Qatar?
Have any moms out there given birth in Doha?
Thank you!
lol i liked the last comment "" have any moms out there given birth in doha"".told the wifey who is a practising OB&G and she burst out laughing... ypu just have to look at the rush at the obstetric clinics to see the irony. jk gypsy on a more serious note all the best with the now arrival
do it right - the first time!
Do a search on this site. Tons of info on giving birth here. Try doing a search on on the Qatar chatboard also. Nice maternity benefits from what I've heard. Best wishes with the pregnancy.
Will always be a Canadian and not a Qatari, eventhough your child is born in Qatar. the Qatari government gives birth certificate. You have to go to the canadian embassy and get passport for the child.
Live Life To The Fullest.......................
Once you give birth, you can just register your baby at the Embassy, no problems there.
Congratulations on the new baby!
tra la la