Pakistani Nationals - English ID card
Information for all Pakistanis in Qatar
If you have not collected your National ID in English from Pakistan before leaving for Qatar, you need to do the following:
- Go to Pakistan Embassy NADRA early in morning and show them your National ID which is in urdu & tell them you want to apply for duplicate english ID NICOP.
Having one in English really helps with the following:
- To renew your passport while you are in Qatar you need to have an English ID
- For Marriage Registration
- For Baby Registration
Please note if you have not collected your Overseas NICOP you will always face many problems.
NADRA has no other procedure you have to wait & wait & wait if you never follow the rules.
I hope that this will help all of you.
This is the reason i share this
Complete all your registraion marraige babies everything
because our(PAK) system can afford one request at a time
i mean you cant do all things at once as it is in other world
I recently got married to a British national and soon I will get British residency but will hold Pakistani passport for another few years. I got married in the UK so do I need to register my marriage in the Pakistan embassy? Why do I need to do that and what will it accomplish?