Just before few hours one QP employee has passed away . A Karwa bus was hitting him while he was crossing the road . Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raajioon. I have never seen a country without zebra crossing on the road. Here there is zebra crossing only in cornich area. How many pedestrians are being killed by road accidents here. I read in newsp paper that goverment is going to build overbridges or underpasses for pedestians on busy road.
May ALLAH SWT give his family and dear friends the patience to bear this irreparable loss. Ameen
INAA LILAAH WA INAA ILAYHII RAAJIOON.May ALLAH SWT give his family the patience to bear this irreparable loss.AMEEN.
he is from Ernamkulam ,
(kerala )
innalillahi wa innailahi ragioon
Allah knows well
rash drivers with small pe^i^ syndrome !! Idiots
but pedestrian shall also wait for the red light
looks like the mirror holder of the bus hit his head which resulted in his death. He was not even crossing the road. He was trying to get into his car at the time.
COndolences to the family.
Inna Lillah Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon
May his soul rest in peace! ...
Yep Baldrick thats him mate..Was our secretary with QP for now for almost 5 years and in Qatar for over 25 years he was only 46.
Balders please remove his name from QL if you dont mind.
His funeral will be performed in the Hamad Hospital Mosque/Mortuary around 7.30pm before his body is flown back to India Kerela.
Deal, no. You MUST look both ways. I nearly took out a plonker on a bike riding the wrong way in traffic as I turned right out of Sana Car Park!
what is the name of the person who died?
Kudos LP,...
May His Soul Rest In Peace.
LP you are 101% correct!
Exactly LP.
LincolnPirate is 100% right..
Take a professional Formula 1 driver. HE must consider the track. If there is an obstacle HE must react, not the obstacle. Pedestrians are obstacles. The driver has to react. However, life means nothing in this country. That's why they keep the foot on the accelerator.
The bus driver is also guilty. The road wasn't free. Did he look?
dont look both ways while crossing the road, look at left & then cross the road, stay at the median & look at right side!
Always always be on guard when crossing the road. One must never forget the whole "look both ways" lessons we were taught back in kindergarten and all those freak out road safety ads! Seriously it takes only a minute of carelessness to great disaster. Not that I'm judging the deceased here...just saying!
Just make sure you consider them, Deal. Then you'll be safe.
most of th accidents occurs due to donkeys & monkeys, where donkeys drive lazily & monkeys jump over the roads!!
There is a law saying:" Every participant in traffic has to behave as such as not to endanger himself or another." That means that one has to expect weirdly behaving people. If you drive too fast in rain, it's not the rain's fault if you crash. You must adjust your speed. The roads in Qatar are for cars, camels, donkeys, monkeys, pedestrians, and other things. YOU have to be prepared for these. YOU always are guilty too, if something happens. Because YOU did not adjust your driving to the circumstances!
Yeah I hate the road in sofitel...people will wait for cars to be near then they will cross the road...
They always think that they are in the park, HHWW (holding hands while walking)...they don't even bother if there's a car on their way....
May he rest in peace, but LP's comment reminded me of the steam roller scene from Austin Powers.
There are no Zebra crossings in Qatar...Only camel crossings are there.
sure, the one who stop the cars at zebra crossing lights can have enough time for catwalk!!
most people i see crossing the streets here feel like they're in the catwalk, like runway models taking their sweet time crossing to the other side of the street.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raajioon
people dont follow zebra crossings, even they make thousands of them!! one couldn't see a huge bus coming towards him can swallowed him!!
A bus is a very small vehicle. Hard to see.
even more I have seen people on the sides of the roads just awaiting for the cars to be nearby and then start crossing (looking for somebody to blame??) C'mon...come to your senses people!! Look after yourselves...nobody else will do it!!!
With all due respect, I have never seen so many people walking in the street without looking what they are doing or where they are going.