Nurseries & bugs/infections

Would like to hear if other parents out there have found their kids are regularly coming home with flu & other bugs from local nurseries.
We enrolled our son just after his 2nd birthday last September. Since then he has come down with 3 nasty bouts of gastric flu and numerous colds in between which he's subsequently passed on to us and his baby sister.
I know bugs get passed around when kids get together at nurseries or play-dates and perhaps the exposure may help them develop resistance.
That said, he does seem to have suffered more than his fair share of illness since we enrolled him and we're seriously considering giving it a miss next term to give him a chance to recover.
... if your wife is attending the Mums in Doha Coffee Morning on the 5th I will be more than happy to talk to her about it. Just tell her she can get in touch anytime with me (Dora) as we are friends (I just realized who you were) :)))
Thanks to all for your comments.
Was thinking that our son was particularly susceptible to picking up bugs but it sounds like its just part of being a kid.
One of friend, who is a Doctor by profession, also discussed the same issue with about his daughter who just started nursery classes. But my friend was not worried about it and told me it’s a normal thing.
Hi, dont worry, it's happening to all young kids, once they mix in public. They will be exposed to infections, but this is nature will help them growing their immune systems.
Just make sure, to shower him after school, look after his hygiene once he got home.
He'll be fine, it happened to my kids as well, but now they much older and stronger :)
.. don't give up now. I was a nursery teacher in the UAE for 2 years before coming here. Same aged children as your little one. If you manage to get through the first 6-9 months you will see a huge change in him. He will stop getting sick all together as his imune system will have strengthened due to the exposure to all the bugs, runny noses, colds and many others. Small children will just touch anything without thinking about it and put their fingers in their mouths or other childrens' mouths. That is normal amongst them. Give him some vitamins and make sure to keep sending him to nursery unless he has fever or anything seriously wrong with him. This time of the year is also worse as there is more dust and sand flying through the air due to seasonal changes such as temperature increases. Air conditionings play major rolls in our childrens' health and should be serviced before starting to be used again after the cooler season. Make sure to check that with the nursery.