not married

By BlondAngel •
I met someone from Qatar, who invited me to get to know eachother better. Is it possible to meet, to have dinner, making trips to somewhere together, when u are not married? Can I stay in his Guesthome or do I have to go in hotel? I dont want to get problems. Is it a problem that I am Christian and he is Moslem, when someone would check us? Maybe the questions sound stupid, sorry for this...
PM said " while I am aware Qatari women don't like a Qatari man to take interest in a non-Qatari woman...Is it because you are concerned about dwindling Qatari population overall, or about unmarried Qatari women who may not find a husband.."
Err.. another angle would be, what if they are just having fun with the non-Qatari women and end up marrying Qatari women. Previous naughty escapades do have an effect on the future generation - partners' partners' partners' etc.
The Cookie Monster said it.
BlondAngel said "Hello? What is going on in ur mind? In my country its normal to get after many appointements an invitation... that doesnt mean u have to have sex."
- Note: You will not be in your country when you come to visit. If your friend is a resident here, he should know his way around the system here, that can be good or bad, depending on his actual intentions (not your perceptions of it).
"It was a innocent start, and I am not going to mess it up. I am not that kind of girl."
- And what PM, Mandilulur and the others have advised is to be cautious. You are not that kind of girl and he MIGHT be a respectable man, but if you get into trouble, you might get the short end of the stick. If you put yourself in a compromising position, you may get into trouble and then getting help would be a problem.
And if you need the police for any reason, hope you know Arabic or know someone who does. Not everyone speaks English.
One more thing to note - most of the guys in Qatar have always complained that this place is full of married women and very few single women. Pls read between the lines and stay safe. Prevention always better than cure / better safe than sorry but ultimately, do as you think fit.
The Cookie Monster said it.
Why did you say "The ' white-haired Troll' is leaving now..." if you don't even know what a troll is? I'm confused. Plus, What is up with all the comments about jealousy? Jealous of what, having a BF? I don't want one, don't need one. You people SERIOUSLY need to move on..
Make a midical check befor and after the date
easy come easy go...
BA, I don't think anyone was rude or judgemental of your personal life. You asked for information about Qatar. We gave it. I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted to hear. Please understand that everyone who wrote did so out of concern for your questions and your safety. Obviously we don't know you or your boyfriend, if we suggested things that do not apply to you, feel free to ignore them. But we have provided correct information about Qatar. You may not have troubles as Qatarisun said but since you asked you do need to know the customs, traditions and laws here.
to get misquoted? Why u do it to other people? Who is without any mistake should throw the first stone, someone very famous said once.
Maybe judging other can turn to opposite. Thats what I meant with first think and then attack. U didnt make me feel nice if u read what u have written. Respect has to be between humans.
sorry, PM, if i did...
but idea is the same...qatar is very nice, quiet and safe.. BA, come here and enjoy it!
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
what a troll is, but it seems, that u mean its fake what I was writing. But it's not. QuatariSun, thank u for ur post, I will write u a private message. Thank u for supporting me, I felt really judged here and this not by the quatari people... just to mention this...
and it seems didn't understand the point I was making.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
eeehhh?? is tha a troll???
i recall some similar thread some time ago, posted by some american girl if i am not mistaken...
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
PM, I think we ought to have an official troll song for all these half-wits with too much time on their hands on QL...
BA, it is nonsense that non-married people of opposit gender cannot stay together "overnight".. thousands and thousands people come to visit Qatar, and lot of them stay at their friends' places.. nothing "illegal" here! you are not going to maintain "common in law" relationship in Qatar. You are a Visitor! you are his friend!
we pretty often have some guests in our place "overnight".. so what? is that a crime? people in whole world are socializing, visiting each other's countries.. it is great!
and PM, pleeeaaase, stop being so much suspicious and stop investigating the case: "why didn't you say that and why did you say this? and what IF he wanted sex?" , what if he even would want sex? actually he better would...this is a normal instinct, means he is healthy straight guy...
someone here said: "if got caught while having sex...".. how the hell is THAT possible, unless you do it in City Centre or on the Corniche in front of everyone's eyes...
what a people!! like they are jealous or what?
BA,nothing wrong with visiting qatar, it is a beautiful country! and you are more than welcome here!!
Stay at the Hotel, go out with him as much as you want, get knowing each other...just maintain a reasonable level of safety...don't go crazy over it, he is not gonna kill you, for sure not!!
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
are good lasts long in summer too :P
troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
but I mentioned this because it is a forum rule.
As for my "moralish" behavior, please consider that I have lived in Qatar for quite some time and was simply replying to the questions and issues you raised.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
foreign woman gives a lot and asks for little. She is the one getting shortchanged -- as I know so well :-P
I do understand the last reason, but think that can be resolved. I also think it won't happen as much if families do not make outrageous demands wrt mahr and wedding party.
The first point is just part of the problem when you don't have equal rights. But if Qataris are happy that way, that's your own business.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
were ur from, so u speak english, english and english and now I understand as well the pseudo moralish behaving... To attack first and then think has always been in american nature, but believe me: there is not just black or white - there is also grey
or maybe just exotic girl's half sister.
PM, well I'm against it because of many reasons.
1. When a Foreign guy proposes to marry a local girl the whole Country gets involved.
2. Foreign women don't ask for anything and give a lot (taken from a Man's tongue).
3. Local girls aren't getting married, due to the increasing number of foreign marriages. But I now know a lot of girls marrying foreigners, yes, but the hassle isn't worth it.
and the list goes on and on and on ..
But that's just my opinion :D
follow ur nice, but 'pour mon gout' (and that's a french sentence for sure u understand, because u must be someone weltgewandtes (sorry, german, dont know the word in english)) a bit childish rules and attacks, but at the end I just can say: Quod erat demonstrandum or Non e possibile. Cheers, Salud, Proscht, Zum Wohl, A la santé and whatever
She is French, too :-)
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
It seems as if you ay have something to hide :-P
And btw, We are supposed to use English in the main forums. :-)
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
je peut le changer au nationalité française... ça fait te rigole, n'est-ce pas?
I thought maybe she just remembered she was actually German and not Swiss :-P
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
so while I am aware Qatari women don't like a Qatari man to take interest in a non-Qatari woman, they will do so without permission if they choose. I am curious as to what motivates that feeling (that you don't need anymore local men to get involved with foreigners). Is it because you are concerned about dwindling Qatari population overall, or about unmarried Qatari women who may not find a husband. The former would be resolved by people being happily married (even to foreigners) and having children which become citizens. The latter would be resolved by allowing Qatari women to marry non-Qataris, retaining citizenship and allowing their children to have qatari nationality.
FYI, Kuwaiti women are the same as Qatari women in this regard: been there, done that and never will again -- lol
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Yes, I agree with the expectations. All I wanted is to inform myself, before a decision will be made.
Maybe the best is to meet in another country or in mine and check things out.
Thank u all very much for the advises.
The ' white-haired Troll' is leaving now...
Do you like to play with number????
I do love it. Careful don't forgot to count and know your number if you are thinking very seriously.
I meant what you read dear. We don't need anymore local men getting involved with foreigners. Yes it is their life and they are free to do as they please, but when it comes to the local women -- a trillion question marks come up. SO -- as I said, since he isn't a local, hayach allah.
But why would you fly all the way out here to be with him? He should fly out to you to be with you. And if needed, fly you back over WITH HIM, legally :D
And a lot of be carefuls and warnings are because there have been too many cases which turned out bad - for both parties .. So, again, be careful :)
Which is your country blondangel? last night you were Swiss and tonight your German.
that what is "normal" there will be "normal" here. Qatar is a predominantly Muslim country in which the social values and laws are based on Islamic Shariah. That means that everyone in Qatar -- Muslim or not -- will have those values and laws applied to them. An unmarried woman visiting an unmarried man, asking about whether she can stay in his "guest house" and then admitting she lied and meant his home instead but she was trying to figure out "edge things", could easily be putting herself into a legally dangerous situation here. Try telling the cops you were just making a mistake and acting stupid because you are in love. They usually don't have a good sense of humor in that regard! ;-P
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
OK, if you want to come for a visit and don't stay together then you won't be putting yourself at risk. But I guess those of us who are older and more experienced would wonder if there might not be unspoken "expectations" that would accompany your visit. And forgive us for feeling a bit protective about a woman on her own in an unfamiliar place.
Well done and Well said :)
Hello? What is going on in ur mind? In my country its normal to get after many appointements an invitation... that doesnt mean u have to have sex. I really would like, that people here try not to put their own subjective things in their mind (and I also know its something impossible - rule of conversation)... It was a innocent start, and I am not going to mess it up. I am not that kind of girl. But it's better to know, that's all I thought, at the end we are all humans and have mistakes and do stupid if we love...
You did, PM! I was posting at the same time, but you beat me to the punch!
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I opened my LR window a crack and within 2-3 minutes the walls and floors were sweating :-(
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I don't think anyone has put this bluntly yet - it is illegal in Qatar for unmarried couples to stay overnight together. IF you were to be caught doing that, you could be arrested, jailed and deported, both of you. Could you do it? Yeah. Would you get qaway with it. Probably. Is it worth the risk? Not for me.
34degrees C and 84% humidity right now up here in Ras Lafan, Black Flags flying so all work stopped!
if you could stay with him and have sex without worrying? Well, I guess you can if you don't get caught. But it IS against the law here and as I have said a decent Muslim man would be very concerned about not mistreating you, taking advantage of your naivete, and not putting you in an awkward (and potentially danegrous) position.
I wasn't as fast to catch on as Brit, so I'll leave you to your fun now BlondAngel. Just be careful of what you post here as many guys will take this as an invitation to sexually harass and abuse you, via private messages.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
hey blond angel if he really likes you hell or heaven he will come to get to know more of you... just a piece of advise dont push your chance too much its a different country out here... double standards applies here and you shuld be aware of that... kudos and take care...BEWARE too..
No, u can say it now... U mean alcohol?
it feels hotter... =D
no the third... =D
and in Geneva it is 84 (or 28.88).
Hard to imagine that it is too cold to travel to Switzerland now :-P
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Just answer me truely and I will tell u.
So, you must be the second from the left !
Does he drink???
That was a joke, but at the end - even for me its to cold. No, we didnt discuss yet...
Yes, I agree. The details have to be discussed and the way is long till then.
About the home: Let's say I wanted to know about edge-things...
So,he doesnt want to fly over cuz it is cold???thats a reasonable excuse
Thats definitively an option... but its cold here... ;)
Why didn't you just say a hotel if that is the plan. Or is it that he expects you to stay with him in his home?
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
that people like Qatariboy have to offer. As an Arab Muslim man, he is likely to know what a man should and shouldn't do if he is really serious about a woman. Inviting her to come visit in his home (presumably at the woman's expense, although you didn't say), rather than going to her country (at his expense) and booking his own hotel room (again at his expense) to get to know her better, doesn't look like something a respectable and respectful Muslim man would do. Sorry if you don't like hearing it, but you did put it out there when you asked for advice. :-)
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
thats why I post here... =D Because I want to know. But careful about what? That interests me! Everyone just says carful... In all countries woman have to be careful at the end...
Was a missunderstanding - I mentionned the guest home, that was fiction. Until now we have spoken about the suiting time...
Why wouldnt he come over to see u in ur own country??
and that means that the sponsor controls your employment as long as you are in the country, unless they are willing to give you a no objection certificate, which allows you to transfer to another sponsor (and employer). If they will not agree to it then you must leave the country and stay out for 2 years until you can come back to work under a different sponsor.
I would be very, very careful if I were you. I can recount an endless line of stories about Western women who have been taken advantage of by Arab, African and Asian Muslim men (and I say this as a Muslim myself). Certainly not all of them are bad, but you have to protect yourself. And the fact that he suggested you could stay in his guest home does not look good. As a Muslim and a resident of Qatar he should know that he is putting you in a potentially harmful situation.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Is it really like that? U think all people from the same country, the same religion are the same and feel the same? How boring! I believe in individualism.
Why did he not try in the country we met, where it was easy? Just took my hand...
home from work. Dear, what a lot of speculations.... =)
1. Not an east girl
2. Not UK (but thank u for making me english - its a foreign language for me... =D)
3. Never said something about physical things - that were the guys in here
4. I am going to stay ALONE in the hotel room
5. I have Bridgestone - love them
@Mandi: thank u for the answer. Not possible to change that easy?
Whoever that guy ur coming for is,he is playing u big time beside u shouldnt have said he is an arab cuz that sums it up.Listen dear,stay where u r,trust me :)
she is welcome to visit? Couldn't she visit if he was Qatari, too?
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Blondangel, about your working in Qatar question. Like anywhere it can be nice or a nightmare. The problem in Qatar is that if you choose unwisely you cannot change jobs and remain here.
Michelin! With confidence... and you should spend more time with each other in some other country before testing the waters here.
A wise young crackpot knows no fear - Ian Dury.
Since he isn't Qatari, you are more than welcome to visit Qatar - first,, then visit him :D Qatar is a safe place to live in, but about your plans, I'm not too sure. I am not experienced in that. I used to hear that hotel rooms weren't safe for non-married couples, but maybe things changed.
And about the comparison -- Dunlop or Bridgestone, I go for Dunlop all the way ..
careful careful.....
Everything is fine & perfect until you are caught.
Having dinner, hangingout & chatting can be fine but sleeping together can risk in getting busted.
Qatar is a safe place but this can be an issue.
Wish you all the best & a safe trip :)
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
The last time they used to say the Dutch man "Flying Sperm" for visiting Thailand
i think F1 grandprix bridgestone tyres are better
Use a Dunlope tyre brand condom Darude. Have been tested for endurance
lol is that so... :P
MJ I think I know this
DaRudE.. You sex maniac..
the condom breaks?
hmm UkEng, does it matter? :P
BlondAngel are you from Ukraine? or any other Eastern European Country?
My dear its totally haram !!!!!!
Be careful 4 what u r planning to do.
Qatar is a safe place, not for doing all these things.
Don't make Qatar unsafe.
Why be rude nice lay she trying
LOL i am uploading photos and reading QL to pass the time...
blondie what did you expect? really how naive
flan gave you good advice....
... go on if u need it... I ll not 'Hijack' it back. =D Wish u all good night! Would be happy if I get an answer to my question about work...
please... =D Nothing better to do? Smile
The subject was another one... in beginning...
Darude from Israel.
of course, I ll do the security checks. How is it working there? We never know... =D
yeah, salax.. it is DaRuDe.. from north african country :)
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
well.. good luck.. qatar is safe country..
and you can go wherever you want with him, no any problem...but again, make sure you are safe, and your family know where you are...
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
from an North African Country. We met there. We were both on vacation.
is he Qatari? what's his nationality?
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
... but its not my plan...
right! But I dont want to get in troubles with officials... =)
But I think its important to get to know the Country where he lives...
carry some condoms....just in case. various places on the planet. When it comes to the matter of hearts,how often do we follow those sanctions? :)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
the advises... Think if I come I'll stay in a hotel. Till now, everything is serious and sober, he was a gentlemen and tried nothing. It should stay like that.
To speak to my parents - they live 1000 km far from where we met, and I am over 30 and he is even older. Would be a bit strange. But for sure, if the next decision follows, this will come. FriedUnicorn: what u mean with: then decide? I think its not even allowed? Catherine
...or even his house( if he is alone ). Meet him at a public place and then decide. I'am sure you are not stupid.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
yes, it is "possible to meet, to have dinner, make trips to somewhere together, when u are not married". And yes, you "can stay in his Guesthome"
the only issue here is your own safety. Make sure you are safe in his guesthouse. that's all you need.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
You're an idiot to put it bluntly. If he was a "real" Muslim he wouldn't be asking you to come here without meeting your family or without your meeting his family at a neutral location.
Stay far far away.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"