This is nice to see - When a Qatari family played maid of honour

from today's Gulf Times
IN a noble gesture, a Qatari family has organised the wedding of their Filipina maid who has been in their service for 10 years.
The family bore all the expenses and also made the provision of a job for the groom who had come with the intention of marriage and to remain in Qatar with his bride.
The bride Fatema told local Arabic daily Arrayah that the marriage party took place in Maeizar and was attended by many Qataris and Filipino friends.
The wedding dinner came from one of the well-known restaurants of Doha.
It all began when Fatema, as the family used to call her, told her sponsors that she wanted to marry a Philippine man but she could not, because marrying him would force her to quit work in Doha. And as a result, she might not be able to support her family back home.
When the lady of the house heard Fatoom’s story, she decided to help the maid. The cost of the wedding was paid by the family.
Also, they increased Fatema’s salary to enable her to send her family back home enough money.
There are very few people like them in Qatar, a very few.
It's people like these because of whom Qatar is a better place.
Rather than putting our heads in the sand and pretending it doesn't go on. This is indeed a great story. If this sort of family was in the majority here then the world would be a better place.
Good for them lets hope it inspires more Qataris to treat their maids with respect.
This is bit of refreshing news, because all the time we always hear
bad news.
I can also add some thing in to this thread. These gestures does not happen to Maids alone.
When I married my wife, she was working in a Arab country (She speaks fluent Arabic), of course not as maid, but a professional medical personal.
After marriage my wife wanted to quit the job and want to come back.
But on the day of the marriage we received congratulatory message
from her Arabic friend who insisted that I should also join her
and come to their country. He even offered a job as well as business
prospects. Of course at that time I have to decline the offer.
But the gesture was very good.
This is a wonderful story. We always here about abuse of domestic servants and blue-collar workers. But as we say in the news business, good news is no news.
I know many people who have maids and of the people I know none abuse them. For those who do the law must be brought to bear with its full weight and they must be publicly exposed for the indecent and inhuman people they are.
We only have a limited number of years on Earth; one's legacy should be that of ethics and kindness and not brutalizing those less fortunate.
Just like Aisha said there are lots of Arabs who treated their maids more than like a family but it is not published in the newspapers. Because for them, they dont need to show and let other people knows that they are generous and kind, this is between them and their God.
Most of the time we only read such raping & maltreatment being published in the papers, which in my opinion is less compared to my own countries incident of such crime:(
Yeah, as someone earlier mentioned, it sure is a relief to read about some good news amongst all the terrible happenings that are published day in & day out.
Hats off to this fabulous Qatari family.
as we say in our language.... MABUHAY! (long live!)
There are so many good people and their good deeds are not always known to many. The problem is the bad things are always highlighted and placed on front page news. It's a welcome change to read good news every now and then. But I hope we get to read and know more of these good deeds so that our part of the world will be a little piece of heaven on earth.
Congratulations to the bride and groom and great thanks and more blessings to the family that supported them!
What a nice story. As some one further up the thread mentioned, often when we think of qatari's we think of bad driving, queue jumping and general rudeness. However, I'd say the majority of qataris are really nice people and are genuinely decent and thoughtful. I think its just that the minority who are less than fabulous in their treatment of others do so so publicly it tars others with the same brush. Same is true everywhere. As for the maid who said she always wants to work with the family she's with, goes to show, a bit of respect goes a long long way.
That is really nice to hear.
Of course these things happen. Unfortunately people like to talk about "abusive Arabs" as if they were unique in this respect.
The European Union has had to pass a law on Domestic Slavery just to try and tackle such abuses in its own back yard.
aviduser, are you reading this?
Believe me.. walla there are good examples as well.. I know a family who are so attached to their maid that when she got old and went home back they managed for her to come to Qatar every few years for few DAYS just to spend good time with her!
Another Qatari family when their maid got really old she told them she wanna stay with them till she dies.. that's how she loves being with them! So they got her ANOTHER MAID to serve HER and take care of her as she needs someone to help her out; being too old to do her things by her self!
My own family, we treat maids and drivers very well.. like they're family ( That's what we should anyway)
[img_assist|nid=7232|title=Dua|desc=Amen :-)|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=56]
After hearing about the dead filipina, the killed wife, and the cannabils in industrial area, this was a good relief. I'm happy to know that there's still some good in this world :-) God bless 'em!
Its so nice to hear for once everyone talking about the positive side of Qatari's... this is a really nice thread and it has put a smile on my face... thanks Dweller...
Truly heartening indeed is the story of this generous Qatari family.
Another example that I know of is a Qatari family living just about 50 metres away from the building where I reside. Every Friday after the noon prayers this family distributes lunch to scores of expatriates mostly Bangladeshi, Pathans and some Arab expats. We can see them from our flat and the recepients look really happy and contented as they carry away packets of nice hot, freshly prepared meal.
God bless these generous Qataris and may their children follow in their footsteps.
People who give good get good from the society.
Two thumbs up.
thank god as heard a glad news this morning. thanks dweller to brought it & share it with us. may god bless the men who are paying a penny to other's prosperousy. best wishes to bride & groom.
Yes I read the Qatar Peninsula and GT daily but am much too old to return to Qatar unless it's short contracts..
I now only have one link to Qatar and that's a 12 year old granddaughter (one of twins).
Having spent many happy years in the country (I kid you not) I felt that I could possibly give something back via the forum. It also keeps the brain ticking over.
i always heard ppl moaning how bad the Qatari driving here. After years living here i just adapt with it. If you can't beat them, join them :-)
also how about ppl moaning about greedy landlord??? take it from their side of the coin ... you call them greedy or business minded???
it sounds wierd wen we say "not all qataris are bad" sounds like most of them are bad and some of them are good.. not like that.. i have many experiences.. most of them are good
Right Not All Qataris Are Bad. Only our QL qatari is bad :/
This is indeed a good gesture from Qatari family. One side we hear terrible stories of maids being tortured by employers and on the otherhand we hear such good things. Some maids are really happy with their employers and are working with them for many years.
Dweller - you still read the Qatar news everyday? You are more updated than people living in Qatar. I think your soul is still here....then why don’t you come back?
nopt all are bad. there are good and bad.. but wat this family has done is a model for all of them who treats their maids badly..
there are so many good qatari people here.. of course, one of the many reasons i chose qatar is that i have a very very close qatari friend here and wanna be with him
A very nice story, there are truely good people everywhere...I remember about a couple of months ago reading the story of a Saudi women who is servicing and taking care of her ill Ethiopian maid, to show her gratitude for the many years the later spent hin her service....
not all qatari are bad aren't they? there are good people too. :-)
that's a way for all to follow.. see, the maid is keen to work with the family and the family too does anythign to keep her with them. i think they shud b a model for all arabs
see, i always tell that there are good people all around us.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home