Newly weds and bachelors, please excuse!

I turned down my daughter's demand last year saying 'not now'. She's been outstanding at academics so far. Her 13th birthday is fast approaching. I have guessed somehow, she is expecting an iPad as her birthday gift this time around. Though I would love to gift her the gadget she longs for but worry if that might 'defocus' her from her studies.
What will be your advice as parents of children around that age.
It's just an's not heroin!!! I have 2 collecting dust at's not what ppl make it up to be.
3 months before my 13 years old son wanted me to buy him a galaxy 5. I enquired my wife, how does he know about galaxy 5 that even me I am not familiar with? "It is from Television adds", my wife answered.
I don't mind buying one for my son if he has a clear reason for it, if it supports his studies in any way. I just enquired him " what are you planning to do with this galaxy 5? He said, "I don't know". the boy was attracted by repeated t.v. adds. So I did not buy this for my son otherwise I wanted to give him the best possible. Instead presented a laptop with a good collection of movies in it.
These days children does not like to read much. Watching good and selected movies may be an alternative to movies though not a substitute.
Children make requests to their parents everytime not because they really need something, could be misled by add or word of the mouth from some of theri school friends.
It is the responsible partent to decide upon..
when my childs reach that age by then the would have tablets/notebooks for themselfs,. we as parents will have admin rights on the devices but the would be "free to use" them as long as there school results are not dropping would be more a tool to find info quicker,.
Gift it to your child since you felt she is longing for it. My humble suggestion is, it entirely depends upon you as to what you want your child not to see on internet.
I appreciate that you have gifted her books which she feels can be downloaded as e-book easily to which I agree with her on this, at the same time, there is this 'Firewall' settings which prevents acces certain web contents & can be easily done by any IT expert so just set it up on the Ipad before you handover to her, therefore, you do not have to worry if she is taking it to her room or if spending long hours with it, just relax she is not viewing any web content which is inappropriate for her age, also not causing any harm for her studies.
Gosh! Who says QL is just for unproductive pass time? Sorry, I usually get to log in around this hour of the day.
UkEng, won't you agree that the purpose of the title is well served? I have some real matured advices and suggestions pouring in :)
Prize, you made me put on my thinking cap. Thanks for making me look at it from a different angle.
kaderbasha, "do not allow them to take that things to there rooms but to use it in living room"... Point noted.
tinkerbell, though your case is a little different than mine based on gender, I'll take it as a near match. The only thing I will be concerned about then will be the impact of snatching it back when its use starts reflecting on her grades.
Strom, "monitor her time on ipad" Noted.
DohaInfidel, I'll do the 'contract' in writing :)
bubblymom, "Kids also need to get by with the kids of their age". Another reason justifying the gift.
deadman123, Agree, it definitely is a challenge. Next generation has always been smarter than the previous.
mjcnair, "love shown through materialistic things lose their sheen quite fast" Remarkable observations. I too think books make great gifts and I have already gifted her a whole bunch of books. She says she doesn't need to clutter her shelves with hard books when she can download ebooks on her iPad. What to do? Yaani.
Kareena, I'm sure your views will be different when you'll have to deal with your own children not niece and nephews.
Thank you all including gene_lv, MM, Iamthexxx and Brit.
My 8 year and 10 year got Ipad for Christmas and they're enjoying it. Currently one is banned from her Ipad because of being naughty to mommy..:)
Tinker the title does make a difference I though this was about the plight of bachelors and newly weds in Qatar!
Kareena comments.... Just imagine, a 7 year old kids chats with me everyday on blackberry messenger or viber or whatsapp.. He has a laptop as well which means he can type very well and text like a pro...There is nothing wrong in giving them stuff if the parents can afford it.
I dont know how she justifies the above comments and also advising others to do it .............wonderful parents and terrific kids
trust you child! 13 year olds have brains to distinguish whats good and whats bad.
I think you must try to ask her what she wants to do with an iPad. If it's browsing, she doesn't need one. If it's chatting..she's probably too young to do it now. If it's playing games, she should get a PSP or something. I understand that you want to show your love by gifting her an iPad. But please be aware that love shown through materialistic things lose their sheen quite fast. If you don't gift her something costelier/more coveted next year, she might take it that your love for her has diminished..... Yes, our children needs to be tech savvy, needs to be updated with the world. But it may benefit her long term if you could teach her that having a costly gadget for "boasting rights" is not cool. Why not gift her some books.... Just my opinion.
Hmmm...... well today's challenge for parents is that they have to stay up-to-date with all the technology changes that the world is going through.
Many parents would think, that they know how to keep an eye, but honestly, i doubt it :) Cuz i remember i could always trick them most of the times, myself.
There are ways you know, a simple password protection is not the answer to what goes on in your absence.
Ok, see it this way, didn't our parents keep an eye on us? I am sure they did.... So how many of us haven't seen porn in life? I am sure everyone has.. and who admits that he or she hasn't, is either lying or did not get the opportunity in the childhood. :)
Its a big challenge, today's parenting. Best of luck!
thing we are forgetting, they are growing - becoming smarter than you.
By the time say one or two years you notice deviation and decide to take away that piece children would have a secret gadget of their own hidden in your own home ???
I agree with Prize.
It is my belief that spoiling a child will lead to nowhere however, giving them gift to be in in the tech savvy technology is alright considering that, she is good in her class.
Go ahead give her this gift however, make her promise not to neglect her studies.
This may make her even more studious and motivated.
Good Luck
She's 13, she's focused and responsible (i believe), just let her know her limitations and everything will be fine.
My son is 5 and will be getting the same for his graduation. It's the new generation, we can always guide them on the proper time and usage of those gadgets. My 3 year old son is asking for another PSP. Kids also need to get by with the kids of their age - if the parents were able, so as they won't be left behind. :)
He is an outstanding student and gets 90 percent plus in all subjects in all his exams.
You know your child better than any of us, it makes it quite difficult to offer advice..If you are thinking it would be a distraction to her, then your decision is made...
The question you ask yourself, am I able to trust my daughter with the device?
Sometimes it is easier to make a contract with the child...where you state your expectations and if any are not met, she will give up the device..something you both sign and agree to..prior to obtaining the unit..You can respect her privacy with some she is still just a child...
Best of luck in your decision..
They are 5 and 7 and they both have their own ipads.. My 7 year old nephew even has his own mobile phone which he is not allowed to take to school, nor the ipad but once he comes back home, he is free to use them. He is really smart for his age thanks to these kinds of technology.. Just imagine, a 7 year old kids chats with me everyday on blackberry messenger or viber or whatsapp.. He has a laptop as well which means he can type very well and text like a pro...There is nothing wrong in giving them stuff if the parents can afford it.
gifting her , her fav gadget will be nice , but keeping an eye on her will be more nice. u can monitor her time on ipad.... or any schedule for her to use ipad after her homework ..... few restrictions will defi be positive for her
Do not buy anything personal to yr kids buy it as a common gadget so that all the members of the family wud be using that thing and do not allow them to take that things to there rooms but to use it in living room
:o) - Too early in the morning .. My Bad ..
The title is apt since the OP is requesting answers from those who have children.
Those residing here and having families back home are termed "single status" and not bachelors
Yours sincerely
Good Morning Britexpat, you see Rizks every where this morning!
But still the title is misleading as far as I am concern, they can also give their opinions!
If you want to loose less comparatively, don't get carried away by the emotional feelings.
Children specially daughters judge their parents capacity and then oversmart them in these teen years.
Don't give her anything like that.
Sorry what has the title got to do with your post?
They might be bachelors here with Family back home and be in a similar position as you!
Consider, the time has come to prepare yourself to say bye bye to one's daughter in max. five years time when she demands a personal mobile / Net.
This weapon is going to hurt her and later you.
I have seen 'so wise' daughters having an illicit relationship with street guys and hiding it from parents and society for many many years, taking all the advantages of good food, clothes, security, parental love, merit certificates, medals etc and one evening run away with a neighbourhood 'born lucky' guy ...
Parents had to regret her birth even , I have seen that three times.
Parents are being cheated for so long by the daughters living under their own home's ceiling.
Thanks for the advice brit, and you guessed it right, she has been focused thus far. The proviso can work.
Also agree with Sincerelyurs that the title of the post is weird. Perhaps I was looking for some serious advices and succeeded in doing so. :)
But still yes ur problem is by heart mine too. U read it carefully and decide. Last December my elder son went India for a relative wedding. He came back and started behaving weird. I poi Ted out to hubby but he ignored the symptoms. I started watching my son going to bathrooms for long time with iPod in pockets, caught him sonny time in late night chatting to relative girls. Weird but true that girls he was chatting were pretty older to him. I post my status in Facebook to warn those girls indirectly but no results. Finally I took his iPod and now IPad of his father in his hands. Can u imagine he is in 10th only... Tmrw his exams are starting. What I did I had a terrible fight with my hubby I kicked him out of bedroom forced him to sleep with the elder son and now last two weeks my elder son is studying sincerely.
Gift her IPad but keep it with u and give her occasionally to use it. The easy solution.
From what I can gather you have brought her up to be focused and level headed. So, buying her an ipad with the proviso that she does not lose sight of her main goals will only endera her to you..
good luck!