Need Advice

Hi i was pregnant for 22 weeks and on 20th I had a very bad pain. when I noticed it I was bleeding very badly. So my husband took me to HMC Emergency. Well the doctors were very kind and they said my womb has open and I am ready to deliver the baby. The baby was alive but they said he is not grown up and no point of taking him alive since no one will give there attention in the hospital to save my child. Cos they said for a 22 week old baby no one will help to save his life. Finally since I was in really pain the doctors said we have to decide about the babies fate. Finally we agreed to do a abortion with no choice. according to doctors my baby was 550gm and he is not grown properly. but i think 550gm is fair enough for a 22 week old baby to survive. So they brake the waterbag and let my child die in my stomach which is very difficult for a mother. Finally I delivered the baby and he was buried on 23 of this month. I just want to know the doctors what they told me is true ? isnt they had a chance to save my baby ? also they didnt give me any reports yet. they said it will take more time to make a report. now I am planning to go for a leave to my parents by next month. is it ok if i fly withing 3 weeks after the abortion ? Please advice ..
Desperate Mother.
Dear Sameera, the doctors were right, your baby could not breathe on his own outside the womb at 22 weeks and he could not eat or digest any food because his little intestinal system would not work at that age. His skin was not formed enough to fight off infections and he would certainly have had bleeding in his brain causing damage. Please be confident that this was the only possible way. I'm glad you are feeling better and you should be fine to fly.
its ok....u can overcome this condition.i am having no child..i know what it feels to be a mother but u lost it.inshaallah next allah will bless u with a more blessed prayers for u...dont loose hope.stay in some other surrondings so that u forget all that happened...allah will soon bless you to 4get all that happened...pray...
Really its hard to hear, and u described your pain like any thing, If god takes some one from you means He wanted to give you something better. I feel yoou should be sorrounded with Love which only your family can give, i advice if you can take ur hubb with you for vacation he also wont feel bad.
I appriciate you, beleving Dr, This that all different yes there are some real Drs in this world who really needs to save lifes. but there are are too many who just do their job as part of responsibility but not in helping or servising mind, so its better you get report and atleast get the knoledge what happened in your case, Why it happened, How to prevent such situation in future... its better you get some good suggession from Drs (Family Dr in your own place), as well as from here and have a nice vacation ahead come back with fresh mind.
I might be younger than you, So you might be knowing better than me, These are my openions only.
dear sister i feel so bad for u. i can imagine ur sufferings as i'm also a mother. but pl have sabar. God will give u great rewards for this in heaven.
of course doctors decisions r right. we must believe on them. i'm telling by experience here. even i heard, Especially Maternity doctors r very good here.
so don't get confused and depressed. At least believe on GOD. its all of God's decision only.
Ur decision was quite true.
Dear Sister,
May allah give your little innocent a good faith in heaven. Pregency and becoming a mother is every womens dream.. You might had many dreams about him/her when you were carrying.
Doctors are always for to save life and if they are doing against it, there should be anything serious. And they told you that, the baby is not grown properly, may be right and trust them!!
In this post its coming to know that it justified by your assumptions and calculations with the doctors observations and suggestions.
It's a feeling that no others can even imagine ; mothers love. Who ever, What ever says about it to you, you are the only one to hide (not forget) the incidents from your mind atleast untill the next little guest coming to your family!!
a brother...
Dear Sameera,
I feel very sad for you and what you lived is the most difficult thing that can live a mother.
I really believe that you should trust the doctors. Maybe your baby could have live a few days or weeks but with many problems as the doctors said he hasn't grown properly.
And imagine what you would have felt to see this tiny baby suffering for finally not surviving. Your decision has just, most probably, saved you baby some days or weeks of pain. I have seen my small brother spending the 4 years of his life in hospitals and his tiny body marked from too many operations. No baby deserve to live that. So do not feel guilty, your decision was wise even if it is difficult to accept.
This small innocent is now calm and happy in Paradise and I pray for him and our family.
For your next trip, I think you should ask your doctor if you can travel safely.
Hope you can rest during your holidays surrounded by the love of your family.
Take care.
feelin bad...hope evrything goes good...
It is sad to hear what has happened. why don't you post this in the mail forum to get better response.