More Scout Leaders needed

My name is Sue Marlow and I am the Group Scout Leader of the 1st Doha Scout Group, which provides Scouting for British boys and girls here in Doha. In the last 18 months we have successfully seen the opening of 2 Cub Packs, 2 Beaver colonies and a Scout Troop. In the next 6 months we are endeavouring to open a further 2 Beaver Colonies and 2 Explorer Units including as far away as Al Khor. There is a great demand for places and so we need to open more sections we can only do this if we can find some more leaders. Check out our web site and if you think you could be a Leader email me at [email protected]
Dib dib dib.... it's a long time since I have worn a woggle. Not time to help I'm afraid, but well done you and I hope the movement continues to grow out here.
I,m also scout.I,m awarded presidential scout awrd from president of Pakista.
I,m also awarded Quide-e-Azam scout which is the hightest scouting award in boy scout but PS award is the highest award in rover scouts.I attended jambories/campories/rover scout camps/rover moots.I need ur kind quidness and i want to be a part of ur team to to some thing in connection scouting movements.My mail address is billo70@
Mob 55203803
What good are beavers in Qatar? There are no rivers.