maid problems

I brought a maid from Ethiopia on my own, without an agency. Another maid who used to work for me recommended her. after she came I found out that her English is very poor. She can understand basic orders in English and do house work, ironing,..etc. but I can't trust my kids to stay with her if she can't understand fully my remarks about the kids and their routine. anyway I am trying to find a new sponsor for her, someone who doesn't have children or may be older children who are not difficult to care for.
At the same time, I am looking for a new nanny, but after paying 3300 QR to bring this nanny, I can't afford bringing another one through agencies, as thay charge between 6000 and 7000 QR for experienced nanny, any suggestions to how I can find a more affordable solution?
be ware of (JASSIM Decoration & Services Co.) , we had bad experience with them.
we asked for a maid / nanny to look after our two babies, only for the maid to refuse to baby-sit after 7 days from arrival to Doha!
JASSIM Decoration & Services Co. is still refusing to fully refund us!
Sorry couldnt get back to you earlier i was out of town. the problem is that i will be delivering in september and i need a maid who can sit with my baby for a couple of hours during my work period. im not very relaxed about it and i need some suggestions any recommendations?
Sosoya80: did you find a house for you maid?
Munkin2008, your best bet is get a housemaid through an agency. She would be the most reliable and faithful to you.
I sent you a PM about the maid!
Its the 4th largest country in the world and here are millions of Christians and Buddists living there but yes, the majority are Muslims. Wonderful country and very friendly people, I lived there for 8 years.
how did you get so many points?
I am going to be looking for a good nanny here this summer, know any good place to start looking?
...when two threads deal with the same topic at the same time!!!
My dw (darling wife) is a nurse so I wanted to see how many other nurses are on the site. She's trying to get into the US b/c nursing there is quite lucrative.
What's nursing like in the UK? For a foreign nurse to practice nursing in the UK, what must they do?
Indonesians are mainly Muslims aren't they? Yes, hun I'm a nurse!
yeah she's at nursery 5 days a week this'll just be looking after her before my hubby gets home so I won't be expecting any Mary Poppins lol
knoxcollege, wouldn't Philipina maids slip into speaking Tagalog with their charges after the parents have gone?
I......good luck Super....Are you a nurse?
If you wait and daily check all the agencies, you may be able to find an Indonesian housemaid who speaks decent English after a few weeks.
Alexa, hold on I was agreeing with you! Well, I'm having to get a nanny cos I have no choice so lets hope we make the right decision! If she's crap she's out simple!
Looking at the ratio of the western people compared to the arabs who have maids I dont think that arabic speaking people get English fluent maids so they can communicate easily. Specially when arabic speaking maids are easily available.
Anyways it is people's choice wherever they want to get the maid from as long as she is treated with respect.
If arabic was my first language i'd find an arabic speaker....if I was Polish..I'd find a Polish speaker!...simple..
Alexa, absolutely. I'm looking for a maid and speaking English is my main priority..firstly I need to communicate with her in english and know that she understands what I want, secondly, this woman will be in sole charge of my precious daughter and i would like to know should there be an emergency that the nanny can tell me what the problem is and deal with it!
I once asked a Qatari collegue of mine why didnt he get a Muslim arabic speaking nanny and instead opted for a Filipina. He told me that he went for a Filipina as his kids would be with the nanny most of the time coz both husband and wife are working and the kids would learn English by communicating with the English speaking nanny. Thats the main reason why these days everyone is going for English speaking nannies.
I have a housemaid who didn't speak any English when she first started with us 4 months ago. Now she speaks enough English that we get by. All a housemaid needs is English vocabulary. No grammar or other language skills. We just sat down with her and showed her everything in our house and taught her the related vocabulary. Our housemaid cares for dd (darling daughter). English was never a barrier with caring for dd.
A lot of people can teach this level of English. It's not rocket science. It just requires A LOT OF patience.
I'd suggest: giving your non-English speaking housemaid another try.
Help with her English (vocabulary only).
how long has she been with you? is she trustable? and clean? how much do you pay her in salary per month?
Cheers Nihal
Find her an employer, and give her an NOC. And ask back what you spend by half price or send her home and take part time nanny for your kids.
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
Thats a good idea. Do you like her? Do you want to work on improving things with her? What does she want to do? Is she happy? The ELS do lots of different English classes from begginners to advanced. Ive just started a TEFL course training to teach english as a foreign language....maybe you could do the same? Or you could see if anyone trained in TEFL could help out? It must be hard for her being so far away from home and not speaking much english, I dont know how id cope!! Good luck, I hope things work out for you and her.
Why don't you enrol her in an English course to improve her skills and help you to communicate more effectively?
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