I was away and our dog got out and is missing, he is approxiamately 3 years old, about 10 kilos, male, brown and white he is a short mixed breed dog with short legs. He is a member of our family so its like losing our child, this happened when he was young and a neighbor found him and sold him and the lovely lady who bought him contacted me and gave him back. He has on a collar with our number so whoever has him knows he belongs to someone. He loves children and was spotted with some kids in the same area. If you see him please call me at 661-3031. See the attached pic. thanks Eve
I tried to post but it says the file is too big but it isn't, some days the site doesn't work well, maybe tomorrow I will get lucky or I can send you a PM with his pics.
Can you attach it so more people can look out for him?
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I know he is in the neighborhood, someone is taking down the posters or taking the pic off the poster, too obvious guess they don't want their kids to know they are a thief, hey the mosque is also a good location.
oh that's a bad news eve...inshallah you will be able to see him very soon...its so depressing to hear this.lets hope he is safe wherever he is by now...
Sadly animals are looked at like just another possession by some people.
Hope you find your dog.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Oh I'm so sorry Eve - I can sympathise with how you must be feeling. I'd be devastated if anything happened to my dogs or cats, and out of my mind with worry not knowing where (or with who) they are. I really really hope you find him soon.
Actually they steal them, I had a Siamese stray and he also disappeared, I am sure they re-sell them at Souk Wagif, I am sorry to say but most locals do not look at animals in the same way I do as a valuable member of the family. One night at Souk wagif some local ladies were trying to sell a gorgeous 1 year old Himalayan so they could get a grey persian kitten they liked better, they seemed to have no relationship with the cat, like it was a thing. Its probably getting worse since their are less cats in the country.
hmm, looks like the area around tv r/a is prone to missing pets
hope you find your dog soon.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.