Local education review - schools report

Hi to all,
I'm sure most of you read about the new schools' review report conducted in Dubai to investigate the local education sector.
I wish Qatar local authorities would invest in a similar annual report by auditing all private and public schools.
Not that the education system is not up to standard in Qatar; on the contrary it's great and there are lovely schools in town.
However, this would surely give the new comers to Qatar an insight of what to expect in terms of education and the existing residents a view of what their chlidren are learning and benefeting for the money paid.
This would really be a guide to all.
I'm attaching 2 Gulf News articles on the matter. I hope Qatar would follow same steps. Don't you wish?
Personally, I don’t have any confidence in the most of those private/international schools in Doha because I cannot find any independent monitoring or controlling institutions who keep an eye on those schools. Who can assure me that Aljazeera Academy is implementing and practising IB curriculum correctly and that Doha College and Newton do the same with the British curriculum as those schools are claiming.
I would only make three (maybe four) exceptions because of involvement of foreign Embassies & institutions in the monitoring process: DESS, ASD & the French school (not Voltaire). Maybe QA also because of the accreditation from the IBO organisation.
However, this does not mean that there are no other good schools. I am not an expert in education; this is only an impression after being here for about one year, talking to people from the field (schools) and to parents.
Thanks Bleu for the reports. Though, they asses the educational system in general and not by school. It would be great if report involve auditing schools...most of us think if we're paying high fees, school premises are all shiny and new, teachers are all foreigners... then surely our kids are getting a good learning.
But it proved to be completely the opposite in Dubai and everybody was shoked to see "one of the best schools and expensive one" rated as "acceptable"...not even "good".
We do this, they followed our footsteps....
We even publish our report online.
It's worse than one would expect, we publish that too, page 39 is the total for all types of schools.
At least we're better than Kyrgyzstan
We're doing our best to do something