Living in Qatar - Few questions

Good morning, I hope you are all well?
My husband is beeing transferd to Qatar next year and there are few questions i have on my mind if any of you dont mid taking you time and andswer i would be ever so pleased.
1. How is life for women in Qatar?
2. How is it to meet new friends?
3. Are there any clubs that you can join?
4. Like all women i love to shop how is shopping in Qatar?
5. Employment for women?
Well i think that is all at the moment and if you think i have misses something that you think i should know plese tell me...
My best regards
Miss Anna
Ok... :)
thank you for this inro Xray friends and shopping you really cant get wrong there... hehe;)
Supernures i will just have to have look at this when i get there and see what happend... how know what the can offer and can´t , I am in the advertising market, so will just have to have my eyes open regarding the job opings!
Again thank you...
Reagrds Anna
*sniggers* I'm not sure anna meant market as in the wholesale market xray pmsl.....
Qatar is still at the initial stages to provide the necessary infrastructre like roads, communications etc.Market is relevently small but you will find almost every thing here. Definitely friends and window shoppiig.
I work in marketing - witch i love, But as i have read and found out by talking to you guys that it doen´t sound like it would be a good idear after allt. The first step is to move and then the rest will follow...
First of all i am just going to enjoy living abroad and learn bit about the culter and the rest will follow as i said...
As i said i my husband will be working and beeing tranferd from his job so i am just going to follow take it easy and see what happens...
Again thank you so much!
Reagrds Anna
Dont bother stay where you are, ive been here 2 years and its an absolute nightmare ,would love to go back to oz except i have not been paid for 5 months
Without imagination their is nothing!
miss ana "BE MY GUEST"
there are plenty of women who do.
If you move here and get a job then you will likely be considered a "local hire", meaning that your position won't come with the bells and whistles of an expat posting.
If you are planning to work because you think you'll get bored otherwise then personally I would skip looking for employment and take advantage of expat life :D In what field do you work?
My godness..
This is great know i am looking forward to take the next step it seams like everyone loves it in Qatar. So i guess i will be fine...I am very open and outgoing person so i think i should be ok... I think this is great... Thank you all for taking time out and andwers my questions...
About the american women sounds great.. i will be a busy bee when i arrive...
Do anyoff you work?
Aww thank you!
Reagrds Anna
if your white it will be alright
Welcome, missanna! You will find a very diverse and exciting community here. When I go back to the US next week for the Christmas holidays my social life will actually diminish compared with Qatar. It seems that here since everyone is new there is a concerted effort made to make friends and plan activities and meet people. And just think of all the sunshine you can soak up here compared to Iceland. The shopping is more interesting than excellent but the community, both local and expat, make up for that. For me, the only downside of Qatar is the traffic and the driving. When you arrive be sure to come to the American Women's Association and Tuesday Ladies' Group meetings as well as the Expatwoman coffee. It's the best way to get information about Qatar that you will need.
Just sent you a PM :o)
Thank you so much for the reply you made me feel bit better about moving know.
So it isnt that bad after all...
I will be tranfering at the same time as my husband so i will look for the Marhaba book.
I dont have children right know but not long until i will have my first.. cant wait.
Regarding the ExpatWoman Qatar i think that is a great think to look into even futher and join if possiable when i come to Qatar.
Thank you so much!
Miss Anna --
I find life for women to be very good; I've enjoyed myself in the two months that I've been in Doha. It's not New York or London (by a long shot!) but you will be happy here unless you decide that you *will not be*, if that makes sense.
Meeting new friends is fairly easy. There is a group called ExpatWoman Qatar that meets weekly for coffee and has other fun events as well. Plan to attend as soon as you can after you step off the plane :)
It seems that there is an women's organization for nearly every country (or global geographic area). I remember seeing a list of organizations on the web somewhere, but I can't remember where (sorry). If you husband will be visiting Doha before you are transferred, make sure he picks up a copy of the Marhaba book; it will give you a good idea of the organizations that are out there.
With respect to employment, you will need patience but it is possible. You may call a bazillion times before they phone you back - even if they have already extended an offer to you. I have heard of two situations in which an offer was extended and was then rescinded for no apparent reason - it's just like that here for whatever reason.
Someone else can provide you with a better idea on the shopping. I understand that it's not as good as Dubai, but it doesn't seem *too* bad.
OH - and if you happen to have small children who will accompany you send me a PM for more of the scoop on that.
Expat Sueño