Living with my boyfriend
I'm Paola, a Chilean with an English boyfriend who will make a bid for a job in Qatar. We have read in several websites that you can not live together in the same house if we are not married and could be punished with imprisonment for this "crime" is this true? Is there any regulation for foreign Muslims to follow their strict rules? I hope you can help. Thank you so much!
[Mods Note: translation courtesy of google translate]
UKEng is right, and don't worry about it too much. There are loads of people doing exactly what you're looking to do. It's 'illegal' , but unless you really annoy someone (neighbour for example), it's unlikely you'll be caught. For anyone outside your close're married.
UkEng, Sorry to say that I disagree with your suggestion. You are a person who are aware of the rules and regulations of the country and you should not suggest anyone to do illegal activities. I am aware that lots are doing it illegaly. It might be possible for sometime to stay unnoticed but if something goes wrong both of them will be in deep trouble.
Yes the law says like that but you can live together as many of the expat useing to do here. I remember when we arrived here in 2001 was really forbidden and in many cases they deported the people (without any arrest or punishment)but since 2005 this "western attitude" is tolerated by government but avoid to speak around about your status.
Take care and welcome in Qatar.
go to your embassy and arrange your marriage to be safe.
Paola. Just keep it discreet..sssh and don't tell anyone. Just act and pretend like your married. If anyone ask just tell them your married..
I know what am I saying might not be the best advice but that's what a lot of foreigners are doing here. So yes it can be done living together but you have been warned of the risks too..
Adios Amiga
it is absolutely forbidden here.
Es verdad - es criminal vivir juntos si no estan casados. Tu ni puedes entrar a vivir en pais sin visa de residencia y esa nesesita patron local o empleo local.
Dear paola first of all and as per the rules of the site you must use english.
On second the information you have been reading is TRUE so yes if caught living together without being married could lead to jail time, deportation and a work ban on the persons involved so they will not be able to come to Qatar again.
Be careful!!