Life of a couple in 9000 QAR

Dear All,
I am very much shaky about the job offer whether to accept or not. I am young and enthusiastic enough to have the struggling life at the beginning as I am just 24 now. I need to have the valuable inputs from all the people living in DOHA. The package that I have mentioned in the subject includes everything except air-travel and medical for me, my wife and 3 children. I have to make a decision in 3 days that with a package of 9000QAR I can move with my wife or not. As far as job security and growth is concerned the organization is one of the giants in its industry.
Please do write in the light of your experiences it will really turn out to be a great support from all of you.
Thanks to everyone for their valuable inputs. If anyone else wants to add it would always be overwhelming.
Thanks n Regards.
3kids will come along guys, no rush :)
9000 will be fine if you know how to budget, and since Qatar might bore your wife it will be better if she finds a job, as Oryx said
...listen to the sound of silence....
It's manageable!
Some people survive with only less than 9K, with 2 or 3 kids, its depend on your life style and situation. If you have a better job now, I think you should better stay there.
Doha is a very expensive place. I am sure after some time you would like to have children, and there is no guarantee you would get big salary increment in a year or two.
So, 9K is though, but many people survive here with less than that coz they have no other choice except to live with it.
With that salary you have to let your wife work when you arrive Qatar, before signing the contract make sure that they give you all the benefits like 4 bedroom house, medical, dental, yearly flights for the family, free utility bills, school allowances, and 1 month gratuity every year. Good luck!
Apex College - Administrator
Housing will take a big chunk of your 9000qr. On top of other overheads, you will not make it my friend.
If accommodation, air tickets, and healthcare is provided then the offer is not bad.
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.
Malcolm X
I am giving you the figures which may give you an idea about cost of living in Qatar for couple(No Kids).
QAR (Per Month) For 2 Persons
4,500 House Rent (Furnished)1 BHK appartment
1,500 Groceries+ Misc exps.
1,600 Car Hire / OR Loan installment + Petrol
33 Land Line Rent
50 Mobile Rent OR Prepaid Card
100 Water Charges
100 Electricity
200 Internet at home
75 Television Channel Connection
120 VOIP Call Card to call home country
200 Car Insurance (2500/12)if you own your car
8,478 Total
One Time Exps.
1,000 Deposit for Water Connection
1,000 Deposit for Ele. Connection
4,500 House Rent Deposit
2,000 Driving Classes Fees (Appx.)
250 One Time Mobile activation Charges
8,750 Total
Not included Medical Insurance & Return Air Fare for family once in a year as most of the companies are taking care of it.
Medical Facilities are very costly here.
Wish you all the best.
9000?? with no air fare-accomodation-medical facility for u,ur wife and 3kids??? will be tough for u to survive..
He has not mentioned his experience or qualification. Then how can one say the salary is right or not?
lol I think he meant, the company will provide Air Ticket and Medical for him, his wife and upto 3 children...:)
Lol.. The 3 kids were gone.. Anyways, 9000 is already big enough for 2 people..
you are interested in the job take it. else pass it along.
you are just 24. you havent even mentioned your qualification or experience.
If that 9000 doesn't include housing, I'd try and get a bit more money.
I just had a job offer for Doha that is 11,000/mo and on top of that pays for housing. I would suggest to get housing included, if you can, then go for it. Otherwise, tough choice.
Around 3000/month
It depends on which part of Doha you live in.. you can get 1BHK for around 4000 in some places.. Check the classifieds on this site, you will get an idea about the actual rents.
"Live with passion, Die with style"
The organization is offering me the benefit upto 3 kids (its about one of the clauses in the offer letter). I do not have any kid at the moment. I think it is clear now! I would appreciate if you ppl would address the real queries that I am posting.
So, you all mean to say that we can make it if we would not get indulge in the luxuries initially? The major part of your monthly expense is accomodation. Can you ppl temme that what would be the rent of one bedroom apartment in DOHA?
What happened to the 3 kids?
Here you go:
Internet + land line: 233
Mobile: 100
grocery: approx. 1500-2000
misc: 1000
if your company is not providing medical than its a problem. here medical facilities are costly.
Well as you will be sponsoring your wife then she can look for a job here to help boost the income.
I am surprised that such a giant in industry doesn't pay a little better.
but if job opportunities aren't good in your home country then go for it and good luck
Its hard to break down monthly expenditure because we don't know your tastes and expectations
30mins ago you had a wife and 3 children, and now you just have a wife?
I always thought Alzheimer's was confined to old people.
I am a single guy who is a spendthrift so not the right person to advise you.. search for your query, you will find hundreds of threads on this topic.
I have been here around an year now...
"Live with passion, Die with style"
Since how long you have been in Doha 'whyteknight'? And can you please give me the breakup of all the monthly expenses (for couple).
You wrote The package that I have mentioned in the subject includes everything except air-travel and medical for me, my wife and 3 children. So I assumed you have 3 kids.. Anyway the money is ok, you can live in that if you control your expenses. If you are used to a life of luxury then you will struggle.
"Live with passion, Die with style"
NO I have got no kid. My family comprises of me and my wife. We are just 2 moving there.
Will be tough specially with the 3 kids.
"Live with passion, Die with style"