Leaving? Remember to claim all your deposits!

By pearl of qatar •
Remember when you arrived, and everyone and everything required a deposit- sometimes hundreds of Riyals. If you're leaving remember to claim all those deposits back. Everyone is hoping you will forget and leave all that money behind...I have just remembered to call in a QR 500 deposit from my daughter's school. A nice tidy sum...
if that card goes missing, then im leaving Qatar for good..only thing in my wallet keeping me here..if mugged then they can have every bit of plastic on me, but DO NOT touch the liquor license!!!!!!!
So would have I? but would have been more careful with not loosing my QDC card..:)
lol UK
who cares..if the deposit would have been 10,000 i would have paid!! :0P
Tcom just incase you might do a runner with the most important membership card in Doha..
Double post
Why does QDC needs deposit? We pay up front for what ever is brought.
BM depends on how many deposits one has, I could travel Business class if I got all my deposits back..:)
I don't think it is enough by going with Qatar Airway
After reading this post I feel like leaving.. Will have enough deposits back for flight back home:)
Deposits add up nicely if you remember to collect it all.
Yep I raise the green bottle too..cheers man..:)
my glass i raised at this moment! Cheers!
I think I can drink to that too..:)
Although i am fully aware of the money, i am not that bothered about claiming it back, as QDC has given me some of the best days i cannot remember!! :0P
Yes its a refundable deposit Frug....
absolutely Frug.... as long as you remember to..)
But is a deposit that can be claimed back on departure right?
fragaluga, I am afraid QR1000 is for the elite club to shop in one of the most desired places in Doha..:)
welcome to the club..:)
wk keep saving..:) for another kind of visa ..:)
Yeah QDC asked for 1000 QR when you first sign up.
Uk..is this the norm? or just something brought in for me??!!?? :0(
I would love to make a QDC deposit but can't :(
QDC deposit?
the QR1000 i left at QDC is the best deposit i ever made, rest assured i will have it back on my departure!!
Thanks for the reminder