Is it safe to do driving lessons when pregant?
By angel_prince •
Could any mom out there who have tried driving while pregnant? im planning to take some driving course i am 4 month pregnant? will it be safe for my baby for me to do driving ?
looking for some pertinent advise.
you should ask your doctor,, follow according by doctor will safe for both , that the best way.
I'm not a Mum, but it saddens me to see the old tired answers trotted out again, these were extensively discussed in the West 30 years ago but still people trot out their own prejudiced answers. At 4 Months your baby is a tiny embryo, in a sack of fluid not much bigger than a lemon. we have evolved over millions of years (sorry Creationists!) to function while natural processes happen, and a child in this environment is very securely protected. Imagine what would have happened if every pregnant mum stayed in bed while sabre tooth tigers were attacking the cave! Women have always carried out normal functions while pregnant, they have had to in order for us to survive. There is very little risk to your baby in you learning to drive, unless someone ploughs into you at high speed (always a danger in Doha) there is very little risk in carrying on with most day to day life activities. If you want total security stay in bed for nine months but the bad effects on your health would not help your baby at all.
Its completely safe
Women all over the world drive while they are pregnant. I did with all 5 pregnancies. Ask your doctor, not people on QL
It is not advisable to take driving classes while you are 4 months pregnant due to obvious reasons.
Its not at all safe, i know driving but whenever pregnant i stop driving. You never know anything can happen.
My advice towards it is a Big NO..coz during your pregnancy you are stressing yourself.You will have to concentrate so well while taking your classes..which will make u so stressed out..i would suggest you to go for the classes after your delivery...Get the advice from the doctor too...again if u finding it comfortable in learning go for it...
Safe for who? You? the Baby? Me? or the driving instructor?
my wife years ago did it, most important thing is to concentrate and don't put it in ur mind, its going to work well.