Hearing back from schools?

By momcoming2qatar •
When do we expect to hear back from the schools?
I thought some of them should have been back by now. Some of them said mid april.
I tried contacting by email with no luck.
Did anyone of you get any confirmation about their children in any of the schools?
this week for RETURNING students. They will start admissions for NEW students on May 1. Other schools may do something of the same. So probably no schools can tell you yet whether you are getting in or not for Fall before they see the number of students returning and find out how many empty spots they have to fill. Good Luck!
hello aishawan, i know exactly what you mean...i am going to be coming to qatar soon from US and i'm having a problem placing my kids in school. i have emailed a few and it seems that they all have waiting lists (and it's only April !) .so what happens when the school year starts??? don't know. hopefully we will have better luck when we get there.
Hello another mom coming to qatar. I am having the same prob and call almost everyday from the uk to all the schools i applied only to be told my son is still on the waiting list and to stay put in uk unless i dont secure a seat. As spicemom says i am going to pester them every other day once i get there in late next month, i hope i am as lucky as her!!
Got an e-mail from one school today asking if we are still interested.
There have been a number of postings on QL about school secretaries and principals not answering e-mails or somehow forgetting to return telephone calls. Yes, the short-term solution is to go to the school (or schools) in person and to keep going there until you get a clear answer.
It would be great if headmasters, headmistresses and school owners actualy bothered to read postings on QL about educational issues, but my guess is that they don't. (Maybe they do not know how to use the Internet.) I have never read a single QL posting by a Doha school principal, even though there have been many, many postings from frustrated parents on the subject of the lack of school places, waiting lists, poor communication and other serious concerns. As a teacher myself, I sympathise with the genuine concerns and worries that many expat parents have.
through my experience most often than not the schools will not get back to you (lucky you if they do) so instead of emailing them try calling them instead (that is the best since you are not in doha yet). now when ya get to doha do not call them by phone instead go to the school personally . like wat i did (the schools concerned never got back to me) every sun and thur morning i will strut my stuff to the school office and enquire and it only took me 2 weeks of doing so when they finally told me that there is an available place for my son (regardless of how far down the line i was on the waiting list)that was my lucky day and i have told all my friend to do the same and voila low and behold they too have managed to get places for their kids......is worth a try and gl
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Some have been on Spring break. American School will start up again on Sunday.