French school for non French passport holders
By Catherineanne •
I was thinking about applying for my child to attend Frech school in Doha but we don't haold French passports(only Australian and British).
Does anyone have any information about the new French school - I think it is called Lycee Voltaire. I think Lycee Bonaparte is only for French passport holders.
Pleas advise - I'm really quite desperate for a good school for my child...
at voltaire school, there is ONLY french "accreditated" teachers. no local contract only to teach foreign language and for assistant for kidgarden...
for students, there is 1/3 for qatari 1/3 for french and 1/3 for others.
voltaire is also an OFFICIAL french school.
350 students against more than 1000 at bonaparte
As far as Bonapart school is concerned it is THE official french school in Qatar. They take french citizen on a priority list, then french speaking passport holders (there are some agreement between french speaking contries) then other on a waiting list. Voltaire follows the french cursus, is also sponsored by the french gov. but I am not sure if they hire exclusively french accreditated teachers.
También habla un poco de español, puedo leer y escribir correctamente, pero es difícil de entender "NEWS" en la televisión en español.
sorry, I don't remember what news was in spanish.
Les deux ecoles sont ouverts a toutes nationalitees.Tant qu'on paye.....
Catherine-Anne, je crois qu'ils acceptent les étudiants de toutes nationalités. Je vous reponds en Français, parce-que vous voulez les inscrire dans une école Française.
et pour les non-francophones:
I think they accept students of all nationalities.
Yes, the Lycee Voltaire does indeed take non french passport holders. Has a good reputation and the parents that i know with children there are very happy with the school. Classes tend to be smaller than in the Lycee Francais as well.
Have you seen the Newton British School al Waab?