FREE Parenting Seminar at Fanar

QMYSAP together with FANAR and QATAR GUEST CENTRE invite you to a first of its kind "Parenting Seminar" in Qatar.
Parenting Lessons from Surah Luqman
By, Br. Dawood Vaid
Founder of Burooj Realization
When : Friday, 16th Nov 2012
From 7:30 PM sharp to 9:30 PM
Where : At FANAR Auditorium
Note :
Seperate space for ladies
Parking Available, Come early
Organized by QMYSAP
For Details please call : (+974) 3345 0511 / 6693 9263
This will help you as Parents to :
Understand Parent Child relationship
How to talk to teenagers
Managing work and family
Embed Islamic values in your children
Understand popular Parenting Models
Do your kids talk back ? What to do
Tips & Tricks
Lots of fun, Edutainment ! Insha Allah.
Don't miss out.
Spread the word, Share the Reward !
Jazakallahu khair.
What you guys seem to forget is that the parents believe in this, so for them to find out how to embed these beliefs in their children is beneficial.
Look at it this believe children should be able to choose, so if you are offered help in making this happen, would you not take it?
"Embed Islamic values in your children."
Embedded means 'hammered in'. I would not allow that to my child.
I'm not interested in this club. Any club that says it wants to embed its values in my children is an evil organisation. What about giving children a balance view of life from all sides and letting them choose. That is the only fair and just solution in life
I have attended this before in India and found it very beneficial.
@QDCLover The Organizers QMYSAP are not taking any registrations. They are running at full capacity.
This seminar would be really useful. One of this kind was conducted in another language recently. It was really helpful and provided a lot of information.
That does not sound like parenting, that sounds like brainwashing to get more members of their club!