Doha College Present Blood Brothers

Please come and see Doha Colleges Production of Blood Brothers
Willy Russell’s ‘Blood Brothers’ was written originally as a play and then adapted into a musical, it soon became a huge hit in the West End and is now the longest running musical in a London Theatre. It has seen stars such as Barbra Dickson, four of the Nolan Sisters and Melanie Chislom, more fondly known as Mel C from the Spice Girls, play the central character Mrs. Johnstone and Ex-Blue member Antony Costa played the role of Mickey during 2006.
Blood Brothers has a contemporary nature versus nurture plot, revolving around fraternal twins who were separated at birth. The twins' different backgrounds take them to opposite ends of the social spectrum, one becoming an Oxbridge-graduated councilor and the other unemployed. They both fall in love with the same girl, with tragic consequences.
Venue: Doha College New Hall.
Time: 7pm
Date: 24, 25, 26, 27th January 2011
Price: 50QR Adults
30QR Students
Tickets are available from Doha College's accounts department.
Please visit for more information.
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