Dogs in Qatar - where can you go?

By paulfreathy •
Are you allowed to take a little dog (on a lead of course) for a walk along the Corniche area?
If not, does anyone know where one could take a little four legged friend for a walk?
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And bear in mind that lots and lots of children play on the corniche, so it's not the best place to be letting your dog pee and poo (even if you do pick up the latter).
Well I guess it's up to you guys if you want to risk upsetting the locals and have to deal with the police each time you go there!!!
Lovely information
Thank you everyone!
The Corniche, with a little bag in hand sounds wonderful!
Hope to bump into you there!
Thanks again
Good to know about the Cornishe... If it's not forbidden, then who cares if some offended people call the police?
It's probably just a metter of getting used to seing dogs as soon as the weather allows it, everybody along the Cornishe with their dogs!!!
Oh... and wherever you go, pls always pick-up their poopoo to avoid complaints which may lead to "dog forbidden" areas.
Wakhra beach is a good place for the dogs to exercise go early Friday morning lots of people bring their dogs there
yes! you can take along with you your dog in corniche, I was taking my dog there as well even in ras al nassa, just do remind that if your taking your dog in any place make sure that you have something for your dog pooh... :)
As usual excellent advice and its appreciated! The Aspire area sounds like a good idea too.
Of course, first you have to wait for someone to invent a mobile air conditioner so you can walk around without melting!
Thanks everyone!
For a really nice day out, there is a lovely beach in Zikreet. It is empty, clean and beautiful. Apart from the odd Police car, you will rarely see anyone else. It is a long drive but well worth it. Also nice for swimming. Just drive through the village and you end up on the beach It is a nature reserve so you have to stick to the path. You will need a 4x4. If you keep going, you come out at the old film set.
There's no law against taking dogs on the Corniche but some people take offence to it and have in some cases called the police. Best not take the risk. Just find a patch of unused land (there are enough of them) and walk them there.
hi there.. i have seen people with their dogs along corniche.. also a nice area is around Aspire zone beside khalifa stadium..