delivery cases in Al-Ahli
I'm 34 week pregnant and i'm seeing doctor Rizvi at Al Ahli hospital, but i have heard some rumours about Al Ahli hospital that 50% delivery cases are C section delivery even if the delivery could be a normal one..
Guide me about hamad hospital also. who is the best doctor out there?
please help me with this..i need to know it these rumours are true or not...
thanks in advance :)
Zainab only asked about the chances of C section in Al Ahli and i related my experience. No where has she mentioned the cost involved so i assume she also has insurance or is willing to foot the bill.
My company paid for the expenses and yes in this situation it was convenient for me to stay in Al Ahli but ofcourse if one has to pay out of their own pocket one should opt for Hamad (i would too).
dear i delivered in al-ahli hospital in april this year... n believe me they were not pushing me at all to go for c-section...rather it was my second child n i was already in labor for around 16 hours n still dr.rizvi came n she told me that she'll still wait if baby gets engaged in pelvis..(baby wasn't engaging) was only when my baby passed meconium that she rushed me to thatre coz of the risk of meconium aspiration n my baby;s heart was also dropping down...otherwise she was still waiting for normal delivery to happen ......if u have insurance go for it...if not then dont waste ur money ..go for hamad.
dear i delivered in al-ahli hospital in april this year... n believe me they were not pushing me at all to go for c-section...rather it was my second child n i was already in labor for around 16 hours n still dr.rizvi came n she told me that she'll still wait if baby gets engaged in pelvis..(baby wasn't engaging) was only when my baby passed meconium that she rushed me to thatre coz of the risk of meconium aspiration n my baby;s heart was also dropping down...otherwise she was still waiting for normal delivery to happen ......if u have insurance go for it...if not then dont waste ur money ..go for hamad.
lameaDont forget that you or Neither your Husband paid hadn't paid any $ (Free) Ofcourse if All the Companies here in Qatar are Giving Full Medical Coverage Then No one will go to Hamad.All Ways Look/ see Down to Earth which God Also Likes. Its Easy to Speakup in the Air When some thing/ Incoming is Free Always. I am Not Jelaous what had happened, i Want you to Realize that Their are many Poor People our their Who are Paid QR:600 as Salary do you think can they go to Al-Ahli or you or Your Husband will pay for their Medical.Their are many People out their in Qatar Who don't have Manners to Speak in Public or they have loose the Ability to Realize about other Humans.One of my Wife Relatives friends/ Women Said to us Ooh i had been to Al-Ahli & it Costed around Qr:4,000/- for my Teeth Treatment, but on the Other hand my Wife Replied oh you Paid Only QR:50/- Rest All was free including Medicine. She Replied Yes you are Right & That Lady was Pissed off. As her Husband is Working in Q-Chem/ Sister company of QP.HATS OFF
I just delivered two weeks ago at Al Ahli and went through a 19 hour labour inspite of which my doc wanted to go natural. I had a normal delivery. Initially even i thought, as they are private they will do a C setion the first chance they get, but they didnt even suggest it to me. Dont give in to rumours. Two other friends also delivered there and they had normal deliveries.
The main reason i opted for Al ahli was to have my husband with me in the delivery room and i am glad he was there. At Hamad i would have been alone for 19 hours, bearing the pain on my own.
The nurses were superb too and i was thoroughly looked after during my stay.
yeah i heard the same from a lot of people.. then i took my wife to Hamad hospital and believe me they are the best with very qualified professionals for delivery.
almost two year ago during my wives delivery they tried their best for normal deliver until the end and when it was not possible as the head of the baby was quite big and then they informed me and then took her to operation theatre for cesarean
we were happy that they tried their best for normal delivery.. i would recommend Hamad Hospital only as they are the best.
I Went with my Wife 02 Years Back to Al Ahli to check the Fees Etc..........As we Didn't had any Private Health insurance we Started Asking prices for baby maternity on the Customer Service. Then they gave us a Price Chart The Price Starting from QR 10,000/ - 27,000/- this price is not included for Baby. Only MomyThen i Asked them what about baby which will be born, then they said the Seperate billing will start once the Baby is Born+ Medicines Etc.....Moral of the Story its All Sucking Money Honey. Then in a Short time i Prepaid Hamad Card. Its the Same Quality which is in Al-Ahli & head Surgeon Spoke to us & Said in Hamad the Doctors try 98% to do Normal Delivery. Now in Two Years i have 02 Kids & all were Born Normal What i Paid was Only Bed fees Like QR:200/- for a Day including Delicious Meal+BreakFast+Dinner Twice a Day. ENJOY & BEST REGARDS