Delivering a baby at Hamad....

The days leading upto delivery, J is a nervous wreck. J is used to having control. And control comes from knowledge. Information. But the information that J so desperately seeks is at a premium. In her head so many things could go wrong….
The last pre-natal scan showed a healthy but apparently fairly “large” baby.
J wondered if a C-section was a possibility. She has heard that they don’t opt for one at Hamad unless there was no other option. Was that true?
She didn’t even have a doctor there whom she could trust and give in to……
Initially J predicted the baby would come early. She just “had the feeling” she claimed. But as weeks progressed, she started “feeling” lil Z would take her time. And in her head, Z was getting bigger by the day…!
The bigger the baby, the harder the birth she was told…..
‘THE’ DAY?......
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