Decision to take up Job Posting

My hb and I are Singaporeans and we have a 6 months old baby. We are given the opportunity to take up a 2 or 3 years job posting in Qatar and are trying to make the big decision.
We will be engaging a live-in maid (Indonesian probably) to look after our baby while we are working. Is it safe to leave the baby alone with the maid? We tried looking at the forums for the cost of employing a maid, from agency fees to monthly salary to paper fees and got conflicting answers. Anybody able to advise?
We are also looking at the cost of the nursery. None of their website mentioned cost. Anybody able to advise?
Our main concern is the baby. If we can resolve that, we are keen to move. Pls help. :)
Singazax - Realised that the PM gets sent to the email account that I tagged. Saw your PM liao. I have replied you thru' email. :)
ZuEn, click on "Recent Post" on the top right-hand corner. once you're at the next screen, a new message will alert you. you can also reply from there or just click onto my icon profile to pm me.
Charan, how am I doing with this guide huh? :)
Thou know not what thou is doing ......
Singazax - Hihi there.
Have you already PM me? How do I check PM? Sorrie, newbie, so abit mountain tortise.
How long have you been in Qatar? Alone or with your family? :)
ZuEn, if I may PM you, there'll be lots of thing to share as I'm a Merlion too.
Thou know not what thou is doing ......
charanmafiriyals - that explains the desperate dig for information mah. We not oni kiaso but kiasi. Must obtain ample infor pior to decision making. ;p
ZuEn - Also give my regards to Fandi Ahmed and S. Soondaramoorthy if you can find them :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
ZuEn - 1 more addition to the KIASU club :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
charanmafiriyals - hope to meet the Singapore community in Qatar should we decide to accept the job offer. :)
Supernurse - how old is your princess? And how much does a reputable nursery cost per month? I heard that the waiting list is long.
Umm have Ksarat babysit your infant, he does nothing at work all day, so he can do some good...
all he said was this can be done and that can be done, but he's unaware of how it works and would have to check with his friend..
so give the looser some work!!! :-P
Yep, I would def leave the baby at a reputable nursery than being in the hands of a maid all day, just for change of scenery and interaction more than anything.....also, I've found that maids are one way or another....they are either children orientated or housework find that right mix is very hard.....
I work it like this, I have a 'maid' although I prefer nanny as my daughter is the priority over house work. When we're at work she takes my daughter to and from nursery...its easily rectified if you are within walking distance from a good nursery. We both work too and find that this is the best solution. The good nurseries tend to finish early.
ZuEn - I moved here from Singapore 4 years ago (After spending 15 years in singapore) You won't find nurseries of the same standard as S'pore here.
What ksarat said is true (I know him personally).
You can not be "Kiasu" here. live in Maid is the best option. But you have to come here 1st and then settle the maid issue. You are paying S$ 500 monthly for a philippine maid in SG right.
the Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Thank you so much for your response. I am actually looking at both bringimg a maid over or engaging one upon arrival in Qatar, whichever is feasible.
I read that the nursery in Qatar closes pretty early too. Tat is my concern with nursery. Nobody will be available to pick up the baby and look after her at 2 or 3pm.
Appreciate if I could have the rates. That will help tremendously. :)
It will cost you around 1500 QR a month for a live-in maid. It will cost more for a nursery and nurseries usually only run until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Check the bottom right side of this page in Qatar schools database to find out about nurseries.
As for the safety of leaving a baby--that depends on your comfort level. I think it would be terrifying to leave a tiny baby with either a maid or a nursery, but if you have no choice, you do what is the best for your family.
Since nobody has answered, let me see if I can be helpful in a bit!
Normally, the major part of the Locals here have Live-in Maids from the Asian continent...whether it be Sri-Lankan, Indian or any such Asian for that matter...and life rolls on for them, when you said you will be engaging a Live-In Maid, did you mean you were going to bring the maid with you from there or would you try to find her here...if you were to find a live-in maid here, i wouldn't know how it works and if you wanna bring her into the country, i would guess there are some formalities...
Second, about the nursery, I've a friend of mine, who drops her daughter (5 months) daily at the Nursery and picks her back after she finishes work and the nursery shouldn't be a problem as such, and the cost well I aint too sure, I would have to find out and it would take say a few hours...!!!
So yea, there are some nurseries which are decent enough to look after the baby, and the cost is not known to me, so let me find out from my friend...and the option for live-in maid is something that works a lot here, but the logistics involved in something I cant really help might have to contact a local agency or such!!!!
So yea, cheers...!!!
Hmm.. nobody can help me? I was hoping so badly for soem answers. Until now, we cant decide if we should take up the posting. Will some kind sould pls advise?
Thank you in advance. :)