cat litter training

we have a cute little kitten in our home. for him , im trying to order some Precious Cat Ultra Premium Clumping Cat Litter, 18 pound bag from the online site:
however , im very much confused as to how to order it online ! the main concern is how to order the delivery to qatar. they are asking for the address, and i dont know wat to write as it is difficult to qatar to get even postal services delivered to ur home. now even if i were to give the address will they deliver it to our doorstep?
would appreciate any help friends! if i give them the address will they deliver it to my home, and which shipping good
The Doha Veterinary Center sells a really good clumping cat litter, although that's all they're good for.
thanks friends for the response and understanding, my kitty now uses thomsons litter. he sometimes plays with it, and spreads it on the carpet. anyway Alhamdulillah and thank u all
crystal is hard to clean once they pee in it. i have used many varieties & finally ended up with lindo cat, cat litter available at Katara- timimi clinic. i 20kg pack is 55Qr. (I think)
it is normal of the cats / kittens to play with litter, our ones does it too. just make some noise, make the kitty understand that u don't like him doing it or just give him something else to play with. basically just try to change his attention to something else.
if u still insist on ordering online, try creating an Aramex Shop & ship account. talk to Aramex local office for more info
Just go buy regular cat litter. Tens of thousands of homes (if not more) here use it just fine. I picked up my kitten a few years ago, tossed regular litter in the tray, showed her the box once and she has used it ever since.
If you want some of the premium western brands I know you can find them at The Center grocery shop.
I really think its crazy ordering cat litter online and having it shipped international. Way overkill.
oh yes , there r cat litter available. but i had read the review of Precious Cat Ultra Premium Clumping Cat Litter, and it was excellent! actually my kitty isnt yet trained to use the litter , he just uses a small tray, for both nature calls. but it is so frustrating to clean the pee! i wanted to buy this precious cat litter, but im not sure about the proceedure. also i had bought one thomson cat litter. but my kitty plays with it , and it becomes a harder job to clean it.
Kittens should have crystal litter as they can choke on other stuff. Plenty of cat litter available at supermarkets and vets here. Strange indeed no need to order online.
to order cat litter. Is clumping cat litter no longer available from the supermarkets or vets in Doha?
We always bought ours in Doha and there wasn't the huge range of shops that exist now.