Canadian Teacher/ Behaviour Therapist

By CanadianEducator20 •
Hi Everyone!
I am currently working as a Junior Kindergarten Teacher in Canada in addition to also working as a behaviour therapist for children on the autism spectrum. I plan to move to Qatar next Summer with my fiancee and am inquiring about possible job opportunities? What kind of opportunities are there for teachers working with children with special needs? How would I go about applying to schools? I would really appreciate your help...
Thank you so much!
May i have the details of any society -parents association which deals with autisim, You can get in touch me at [email protected]/55408380,,,
Hello there,
I am a mother of an autistic child. I am in the process of starting an autism parent society in Qatar. As a goal, we are trying to have a complete list of all speech, behavior, Occupational, physical, music therapists who are currently avaiable in Doha. Once, it is completed, it will be the first and only document in Doha that contain these valuable information for all families with autistic children. So, you can email me separately- if you wish-at [email protected] for your personal contact.
Thanks a lot.
Good luck with your move :-)
thank you so much everyone for all of the useful advice :)
CE, don't worry too much, your husband's employer will do most of the work.
Mandi sounds extensive...the visa process.,,
Try Shaffallah Centre of Special needs in Doha. good luck!
all shafala center will be a good start
Pay peanuts & you get Monkeys
In order to work legally in Qatar you either need a business visa or a work visa. This means you must submit a police report from the country you currently reside in, get a chest xray and HIV/aids test before you get here (at least for the work visa). Then when you get here, you will have to go for finger printing, blood tests and xray again to confirm the original submissions.
If at any point you either don't pass the medical or security checks - you're on the next plane out, if you ever managed to get here in the first place.
Don't think you can "fool" the authorities into thinking you're married if you aren't. Your marriage certificate has to be attested (usually by the Qatari or Saudi if no Qatari Embassy in your country) in order to prove you are indeed married.
This can take a mere matter of weeks or drag on for months, depending on your nationality, how much pull your potential employer has with the Ministry of the Interior and who showed up for work that day at the MOI.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Could anyone also please explain the whole VISA process to me?
Thank you so much for the wonderful advice....=)
I am assuming you will be married when you arrive here - if not, your fiancee cannot sponsor you nor can you legally live with him (if you came on a visit visa for example).
Do unmarried people live together? Yes. Do they run the risk of arrest, jailtime and deportation? Yes. Does it happen often? No. Do you want you and your fiancee to be that 1 in a 1000 chance? Probably not.
As for the job, - independent consultant would earn you more money, you could set your own hours and of course, have all the hassle of the paperwork/admin side of things. You might be able to get a business visa but I'm not up on that side at all.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
thank you so much for the advice :) it relatively easy to find work? How do prospective job seekers apply? In Canada, giving your CV directly to a manager is typical. Is that how it goes in Doha as well?
I concur with Mandi - 100%. The expat crowd would kill for your services.
You'd be paid peanuts working in a kindergarten whereas you could make a goood wage as a specialty consultant.
so, do you think it is better to look for autism related or special needs related work vs.teaching at a junior kindergarten? Ideas please :)
I agree with Formatted Soul. Please, please work as an independent consultant. There are so many parents in Doha who are looking for qualified people like you.
Thank you for your advice...appreciate it!
There are lots of people looking for teachers for their special needs children... am sure you will have enough students if you start consulting centre at home. Maybe you need a license to do so...or you can contact shafalaah center
I do not think you will have any problem finding a job. Something schools here don't have much of! Good luck with the search :-)
There was a big awareness campaign here for autism not too long back. Try a google search and see what it brings up.