Can we "synthesize" happiness?

We are all in constant pursuit of happiness. Most of us equate fulfilment of desires to happiness. A loving family, a gratifying career, a beautiful home to call ones’ own, a much-fancied car or a coveted piece of jewellery, a hard earned award…… whatever it is that you desire….. Will it make you happy?
If so, then why do I meet people who seem to have everything going for them, and are yet unhappy? Miserable even.
Then why are there people, who have seemingly hard, turmoil ridden lives who are happy. Content.
Is happiness an externally/ situational/ circumstantially- independent state of mind that one is born with. Can we learn to be happy? Are some people more prone to being happy? Will some people be forever damned in the bowels of misery and unhappiness?
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Can do better Ms/Mr MM... definitely can do better....
Image of a happy family could be seen in a group photo.
a bit of both zafirah!
And yes... money can contribute!!!
esshi, are you a writer? a blogger? .....
whoever said that money can't buy happiness doesn't know where to shop... ;)
Molten Metal must be busy googling for an appropriate photo!
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