Can little boys play dolls?

By mariam-mar •
Is it ok for a five years old boy play dolls? Does it means something ? Is it possible for him to grow up Gay? I have my boy really love to play dolls especially with long haired dolls. He braids the hair, he loves karate action films but likes the female karate action stars in Charles Angels, Alias (Jennifer Garner) and the like. he have less interest with karate kids, Jacky Chan Or the kid star in "The Legend of the Red Dragon" If ask if he is a boy or girl, he will say i'm a boy! His favorite color is pink...
How can u think like this, he wil play obously the toys u r providing him... what u think any problem with u also, becoz u r giving such toys?... sorry but u r wrong. He is just 5..... dont forget that.
Just let him be. Just let him explore and discover his self. My cousin is just like him. When he was same age as your son, he loves to play barbie dolls, but now he is already a teenager, he loves to play with the girls, i mean with his girlfriends with "s"....he is now a gigolo.
dont worry dear dont think so...mostly boy likes doll and play with them...think positively ur boy like beauty he has a artist mind may be a doll is very beautiful even we like them may be doll attract him how can u think this disgusting thoughts about a innocent baby boy who is ur own baby....dont think like this may be he will like girls as all men like ..may be he likes beauty....who stupid told u that the boys plays with doll may be gay...dont think this dear.and he is too small for karate ..all boys are not wild by nature some are soft and calm like artist... i hope u will understand him well.
Of Course it does not matter what he plays with when he is five years old, obviously he has sisters and their toys are what he sees them playing with. All children like to be seen to part of their peer group. My son is now 27 years old and I can assure you that he is a real man, but sensitive and capable of living by himself and looking after himself with very little help from his female relatives. I should have taught him to use an iron though.
i am prem. native from srilanka.presently i am working in doha. also i am haveing Karate Lessons. if you/ your son intrest to learn Karate make me call +9745438293 or mail me [email protected]
thanks Guys! Some told me my boy is not alone, and they grew up having girlfriends. I just hope so, he is my only boy among my children and i just give him all he wanted.
I will tell you this due to some experience in the field.
your son might have some tendency towards being a gay, but since he is still young ( 5 years) i think its not hard at all to help change this, but dont try by urself, this sounds risky, ask a physcologist.
It worries me the movies you allow your five year old to watch not what he plays with.
i dont think his inclination to play dolls is a sign of being gay.
Yes he can. my boys have dolls, strollers, tea sets, toy vacuum cleaners etc and spiderman batman, buzz etc action figures. I dont choose their toys, i leave it up to them. Personally i think it turns them into SNAGS (sensitive new age guys), where they learn that its ok to clean, push a pram and care for their kids when they get older, let him explore and dont restict him with gender bias toys..
get out more and do sports and walking, which is both good for the body and mind..It will give him more to do.
As long as you call it an "action figure" he should be ok ;-)
Ok seriously what part of playing with dolls or liking the girl action stars have anything to do with being GAY? infact you should be proud of your son that he's taking up more interest in girls now than later. I say he's going to grow up to be a player, girls all around him. Now if you catch him putting on your dress or shoes or talking about your lipstick then its time to toss him out the window and make a new baby!!
nothing to worry at this stage,he's still to young to speculate.. Him,finding girls stuffs intersting,doesnt mean he'll turn/grow up a gay.just let him do what he's interested with for the moment.then try step by step to introduce to him boys stuffs and the parents,we are still their first teachers and we're very much responsible on what they will be come someday.
yes, this child will definately be gay..these are the obvious signs and symptoms....same as my daughter likes bob the builder and Thomas the tank...she'll definately be gay too.........does it matter?