
By zainudinyaman •
HI everyone.
Can anyone tell me what is buttermilk?Some people are telling me that it's another name for yoghurt but my research on the internet says theyre different.My wife wants to bake and one of the ingredient is buttermilk.We can't seem to find it anywhere in qatar.Anyone knows where to get buttermilk in qatar?please help.tq
1 tblspn of white vinegar or lemon juice + 1 cup of milk=1 cup of buttermilk
i found the buttermilk at mega mart the centre(al-sadd/muntazah).1 cup 284ml is 13 riyal.i dont know if thats cheap or expensive but i'm just so so so happy to have finally found it i bought 2.thank you so much people!
p.s from my research,laban can be buttermilk substitute but they are not the same.research the internet,you will find out that you can use little buttermilk added to normal milk to make a new cup of buttermilk.leave that new buttermlik for few day,and you can use a little of that buttermilk with antoher cup of milk to make new buttermilk and you can repeat the process over and over again.that's one of the cheapest way to produce your own buttermilk.
LOL Brite,Buttermilk is also an effective an antidote for alcohol high!
I remember at the last party , Rizks make Buttermilk Schnapps, Buttermilk cocktails and Buttermilk eggnog.
i was sick for days :O(
kareem, your knowledge of India is either limited or skewed,
Brit, technically speaking labaan and buttermilk are not same. but in general terms they can be termed same. both are milk products and it's quite obvious to have hundreds of ways to name/derive them based on local knowledge and needs...etc etc
Butter Milk is same as Laban isn't it ?
if you want to bother using substitute for buttermilk kindly visit this site :)
really appreciate all the infos..thank you guys...my wife will be very happy...we've been looking for it for weeks now...thanks again..
thank you for the info guys...gotta go to mega mart today...
A while back I needed buttermilk and my hubby got it from Mega Mart. Go have a look at the dairy section it comes in small box container. Good luck.
yes, buttermilk is the lighter form of laban.
Painther is correct low fat/skimmed laban is called buttermilk it should be so diluted form of laban.
dear friend,
Buttermilk is the diluted form of yogurt which is refered to this name is southeast aian countries, like india pakistan etc.
even though they both have a sour taste, buttermilk tastes quite different from laban. Haven't seen buttermilk in Doha. You can make sort of an equivalent by adding 1 tbsp of lemon juice to a cup of milk.
We drink it a lot in the Netherlands and it tastes almost similar to laban, although buttermilk is a bit more fluid, more the consistentcy of milk, at least in the Netherlands. I have seen it in Carrefour. They sell it at the dairy department in small plastic cups.
I don't know why my first comment went
like that....its my first time here so
maybe i need to know the tips to post
some comments...
anyway, please try the MegaMart Stores.
They might have this buttermilk you are
looking for.
You can also let your fresh milk expire. After a while it tastes like butter milk.
Labaan (low fat/skimmed) can be used in place of butter milk. Process for Butter milk is- simmer milk (in low heat, longer period) and then cool it a bit, stir, take cream/butter out, the left over liquid is butter milk.
Maybe you could try looking at the MegaMart Stores. There are a lot of things and items there that you cannot find from other supermarkets around here.
Buttermilk refers to a number of dairy drinks. Originally, buttermilk was the liquid left behind after churning butter out of cream. It also refers to a range of fermented milk drinks, common in warm climates (e.g., Middle East, Pakistan, India, or the Southern United States) where fresh milk would otherwise sour quickly.[1] It is also popular in Scandinavia and the Netherlands, despite the colder climates.