Baby sick ,coughing , anybody got experience with that???

By umm-salayum •
Maybe somebody here knows what to do ! My baby ,3 month old, has a light cough now for a few days , maybe a week or so , no other signs , I mean no fever .....
Well I was wondering if other kids got the same problem .
My neighbors just got into the country and their little kid got the cough as well.
Is that something in the air, maybe the dust ?
does anybody here have the same experience!
And a other question, is that true that I can go to the "Emergency Child Care" for free.
As I have no health card for the baby yet?!
Thanx for any help
just go to your pedia , just to be sure. baby is so delicate. but im sure your baby will be okay.
vicks vaporub is suitable from 6 months onwards :)
my 2 year old has had a dry cough for a while but isn't unwell, I think its the dust. Especially at night and first thing in the morning.
Thank you all
I will take the baby to a doc insha allah
just to be save
This is a PEC station
They have very good Pediatricians there , why waste time asking everyone's opinion just take the baby there - who cares if it is the weather get it checked out and it will stop your worries never mind old wives remedies the baby is very small still and many have something minor to be cured.
if you notice last friday the air was so dusty. I can feel the dust particles get into my eyes.
I would strongly advise you to visit a doctor. If money and time is the concern, I would recommend you Al-rafa clinic (Dr. Mohd Basha). You need to pay QR50 for registration and for subsequence is free. Except of the drugs of course.
Hope he'll get well soon. Insha'allah.
You just have to take child's passport, that
centre is esp for new borns 24/7
You can go to one of the many Hamad emergency units they are all around Doha don't take any chances with such a small baby - it can't speak for itself. They will check it immediately - if it was mine I wouldn't think twice.
Go immediately to Emergency block in HMC its free......
hi ummsalayum... try this home remedy . At night before putting the baby to bed please apply vicks vaporub to the feet. massage a bit and cover the feet in warm socks. Before the day breaks the cough would have come down. Note.. only apply this to the feet.
it look a virus very commen this day
me and many of my friends have same
but for kids you should check doctor
God help you
yes it is normal during this time of the year, when the climate changes. and yes you can take him to Pedeatric Emergency Clinic (PEC) located at the corener of Al Sadd, just bring his/her immunization card.
- live your life as simple as you are
- money doesn't create man, but it is the man who created money
- don't do what others say, just listen to them, but do what you feel good
My 3 yo has a light cough too,esp at night. I do think its the weather change, esp if they arent showing any other illness signs but you bub being so young, get professional advice...better safe than sorry...
You can take your kid to nearest emergency care. They dont charge you while in emergency care. Even if you take her to primary health centre, they will just charge Qr.30/- per visit (valid consecutively for 10 days of visit), just show her passport at the medical counter.
Inshaallah, she will recover soon.
The Emergency child care center on the corner of Al Sadd and Suheim Bin Hamad is free (you only have to pay for medications IF they prescribe any)...sorry I could not be of more help umm-salayum....and best of luck to you and your baby.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
My kid got it. I took him to Al-Rafa hospital, and the doc gave some tablets. Now he is alright. he said it is seasonal.
its the weather change! but do get your child checked by the doctor. My daughter also has cough, nothing seriuos...but you better be careful as your child is only 3 months. try any private hospital ...Gov. places arn't that good. all the best
i wil pray for him. may god bless him