Autism Bike Rally & Shafalla Center

With a heavy heart, we would like to say the name Shafallah is a "hype". I would like to request the good-hearterd expatriates from the "enlightned countries" to have a look what they do.
Shafalla is grown on the support from the Govt. It gets lots of financial aid from and "PUBLICITY" from local press. Getting financial aid from RasGas, QatarGas, Standard CHartered Bank, Exxon Mobil..
THe fees in this Center is 6000 QR. I heard.
There is another school, whcih is silently doing services for the less privliged people. The Resource Room in IDEAL INDIAN SCHOOL. Mainly students are from Pakistan, Bangaldesh, Tunisia, Philipines ,,, The fees are QR. 350
Why there is no financial aid for such kids ? We are shocked to see such a heartess apathy towards less privileged and offering more & more aids for the prvileged kids.
There are parents who have compared the services from Shafallah and this small Resource Rooom and comments the Room is much better than Shafallah.
I'm thinking that maybe SEN teachers want more money 'cos its harder work???
but Sabreena has a point.
Given a chance to do a CHARITY, everyone would like to do it for the POWRFUL people. This way they can reach the ladder to reach their vicinity - to move around with the affluent sections.
hence QP, Qatar Gas, RasGas, Exxon all competing each other to show their "charitable" face on affluent section.
bythe way, there is no so great "resources " in affluent schools. Parents are disappointed. Pls check with any of the Parents, mostly the teachers talk in so "technical jargon" so that the parents can be mesmerisd. The academic brilliance is not nurtured for these disabled children. Also they charge a handsome fees from the parents.
We all try to pretend there is a difference in 1500$ and 100$ fee per month. Who runs charitable service to society, who runs a "business"....
an Indian or Qatari school?? I'd rather keep the kid at home than any of those two choices!!!
I too feel Wilson did not put things in a right spirit.
there should be efforts from within IIS to get more publicity.
But the Western / affluent people,, can they keep their hands to the chest and swear ---- given a chance to do some sycophancy , whther they will prefer an Indian school or Qatari school ?
The answer is 100% crystal clear. And they do their "historical responsibilties" to the society !!!!
wilsonp - this the wrong way to go about getting your point across. Shafallah does a good job. There's no need to start slandering it just because it has better resources and publicity than IIS. Instead you should work with IIS to help raise resources and publicity. You get what you put in. Moaning about things will get you nowhere.
Yes, Shafallah gets a lot of government and private support. It is an excellent institution and fulfills the purpose for which it was chartered by the Qatar government. I don't know the Indian Ideal School, but I'm sure it is a good place as well. But you don't have to put down Shafallah for being a wealthier, more sponsored institution. Just say that IID also deserves attention and donations as well. I'll believe you!
i think Alexa has a point. whther the Indian schools approached HD people for a rally ?...
even if approached, HD would do this for an Indian school. that is a different story.
everyone wanted to be siding wtih the influential and privileged class. It gets all the charm, right ?
hence the upperclass gets always more & more sponsorship from RasGas, QatarGas, Exxon and all hi-fi corporations.....since they know WHOM they are sponsoring.
why should there be financial aid? Free for nationals not free for expats...simple....
Is it true what is written here about Shafalah ?
I heard it is run by Canadian Management, but there is a big queue for admission.
Anyway, it is unfortunate that the Indian school, which caters middle class disabled children, does not get much publicity and financial aids. The fees are comparativley much lesser than Shfallah and Sun BEam schools
I think there were no responses, since it is related to an Indian school, which caters middle class parents who cannot afford the expensive schools. of course, there must be more professionalism and management and more tools in Shafallah, comparing with our school. Still we manage to be the "only" expatriate schools , dealing in Special Needs, wich such a low fees.