Al Mesillah Compound living

Hi there,
We are due to move to Doha at the end of August. We have been extremely fortunate and have managed to get places at DESS for our children and so now, all I need to sort out is somewhere to live.
I read some old postings about Al Mesillah compound which were pretty positive and by looking at the map it seems like a good location.
I am hoping to hear from someone that may still be living there and can give me an honest opinion of what compound living is like for a family there, and also if they know of any villas that might be coming up for rent in the near future.
I've been in touch with the management and they are not aware of any as yet.
Also, if anyone else can suggest any villas (compound or standalone) that might be coming available that have gardens, decent sized living dining/areas and good sized kitchens, plus 3 or 4 bedrooms then I would appreciate it!
Thank you....
That's the problem - haven't found a place there but I liked all the old reviews of the place :) I'm just thinking that Doha is a transient place and that a villa should come up sometime soon. Positive thinking!
Do you live there teewayne?
If youve been offered Al Messilah its likely youll be working for Hamad Hospital, If not your lucky to have a place available.
However the only disappointments from that compound are the speed humps, HADD to change cars, Buying a sedan is not an option unless your willing to drive up sideways at the speed of breaking lol
However its a nice place, reallyy nice people, healthy environment also. If youve found a place, take it!