The World's 25 Dirtiest Cities
By bading.ako •
hello good morning people, just came from vacation and here i am having my presence felt in QL...dont know if this is real, just comment....
stone, Jolo island is one of the poorest places in the phils. so understandably hygiene is not the people's main priority there.
usapa na...
Zzohn, Jolo island is not clean
specially in the middle parts of the Phils.
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
majority of the philippine islands are clean
they just forgot about it..
good to know..
Or our corrupt officials bribe the one doing the survey to take it off the list.. again!
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
Dhaka at No2 is a surprise.. However, Forbes also makes it its No2, but for slightly different reasons..
Mumbai should be no.1 with the level of environmental pollution, hygeine and povety level as a direct cause.
i dont agree!!!
i dont agree!!!
They make confusion between pollution and dirty...Biiiig difference! Not realistic, sorry.