What a way to die...

A 23-year-old Sri Lankan salesman working at a grocery shop in Bin Mahmoud was killed in an accident on Friday evening when he chased a customer who tried to flee the place without making payment. The incident took place around 9.45pm.
The victim, identified as Mohamed Murshed, was run over by the erring customer’s car when he reportedly tried to cling on to the vehicle’s side glass. The customer had ordered soft-drinks while still sitting in his vehicle.
Sources said that the youth was found dead on the road about 200 metres from the grocery.
Murshed died of severe head injuries. The motorist, reportedly driving a four wheel, sped away.
The shop owner said Murshed had been working for him for about two years. He said there had been several incidents of customers leaving without making payments for purchases.
In a similar incident a few months ago in Najma, a salesman was injured while chasing a motorist who failed to pay after making some purchases from a local grocery.
very sad news ... all i can say is he was very quiet and he used to work efficiently and used to be an honest employee of the grocery...
and i came to know about his death after two days and i feel so sad...
Generally, these are arrogant and irresponsible teenagers having fun drive; money is never a problem for them.
Its not arrogance but yes it is mindset that they think that lives of others is just piece of paper use and through why they don't do this with their own people................?????
There are many reasons. Mostly its just arrogance, but there are also cases where they don't have a riyal in their pocket but drive these cars for show..
Any update on this guys? did they book the fcuker ??
no lawa, its all fun for them, its not like they cant afford it, they enjoy the weird gestures that some one makes in pain ...
Just yesterday saw the kid yelling bad words for fun in the juice stall, all that the shop keeper could do is just keep smiling ... or else u know what would happen ...
I am wondering people who can buy luxurious four wheel cars they can't pay money for a cold drink and over that they do these kind of crimes they are such a criminals minds they need to get lesson ................
this happens because they tolerate these effing idiots !! observe how store keepers leave you inside the store even if you are buying 200 QR worth of items just to serve them honkers with a soda....
i dont even remember how many times i left stores after being left inside.
My condolence to the victim and may he rest in peace....
Hope the culprits are caught...
in a NO drive-through store
Perhaps they are tooting at you - you suave and debonaire person you :O)
honking annoys the whole neighbourhood. hope they ban this slavery act of honking to be served.
I remember one grocery which insisted anyone honking that they do not serve to the cars.
best of all.. most of them honk just for a can of soda or a cup of tea. The shokeepers do not make anything from this kind of customers.
they shudnt stop serving us in cars!! some of us r just too lazy......wat they shud do is invest in a good surveillance camera for outside the shop, no one will dare to repeat such acts of ordering and stealing.
Lazy 0's
And why do they always toot their blooming horns just as I am walking past their car. Lazy barstewards!
Dont serve to the cars for this morons !!!!
so sad,,,rest in peace brother.....
Yes Nbg i think they will pay for it if the customers dont...sad...
That's just so wrong!..But can understand why they try and chase the culprits down..so sad! :(
This is not new for me atleast, have witnessed many incidents like not paying for petrol at stations, pulling out dress on the streets, tailgating and yelling for fun, avoiding the que and beating the car washer who insists follow an order, breaking wind shield just for parking in side of house etc., etc.,
finally i just move on as i always hear the word leave it or take it ...
the reason why he chased that car was he knew that his sponsor is going to deduct the money from his salary it happened once infront of me in ain khalid the qatari in landcruiser asked for a 500 hala card and then ran away luckily for the shopkeeper one of the guys standing near by noted his car number or else the poor shopkeeper had to pay 500 from his 800 salary
So, finally??? it's not safe
So sad a loss of life for the price of a few drinks!.I hope the culprit is found and dealt with..R.I.P..
Qatar is no safer than any other country and certainly isn't immune to crimes,makes me laugh when people drone on about what a safe place it is..
Although I appreciate his efforts to get that money from him but clinging to the vehicle which was already in motion was not a good decision.
And the motorist fled away even after knowing that he had run over that poor guy. Didn't he have a heart. Didn't anyone bother to note down the car plate number?
Was wondering if there was any eye witness so as to track the four wheel. Hope something is being done by the community to collect funds for the victims family.
callous and careless attitude of drivers......
when these morons will fear from God?
I hope and trust that justice will bring them to punish this reckless and crazy humans.
Inna Lillahi wa inna Illaihi Rajioon; May Allah bless the soul in peace and give patience to his family on an uncalled and unfortunate death..Ameen
Sorry yes actually it in today's Gulf times newspaper..sorry i forgot to post the source..
i was thinking: why did he insist? just take his plate number. but then britexpat (9:39) may be right.
Oh! That's tragic! :(
I couldn't say anything as the poor guy's death is shocking and sad!
May he rest in peace.
As for the driver, may he get caught and be punished.
when I read this morning in the paper..
Hope the effing b*stard is caught...
May Allah have mercy on him and grant him paradise. As senseless as his death may appear to many I can't but help admire his courage to try fight a wrongdoing no matter how small. He obviously didn't think it would kill him though, which is sad. And I hope the killer is found and put behind bars.
i really hope the perpetrator gets caught and brought to justice. what a shame.
Sorry to hear that. May his soul RIP.
Have seen the grocery fellows struggle even with certain kids who pick up things and try to run away. The funniest was a woman who picked up a drink and after finishing it left it on the racks, but seems the boy in the shop saw her and then all the drama unfolded.
I don't know if its the same with this poor guy, but one store worker told me that the owner made them make up the shortfall if a customer didn't pay...
Whatever the reasons, our prayers are with him and his family.
Shyt! That’s just effin insane!
He was KILLED for the cost of some soft drinks. I hope the CID pull all the stops out to find this bast@rd.
I always told my grocery shop owners: don't serve outside. Let the lazy morons come into your shop! And if they honk their horns, let them honk, until the police fines them. But you know how the shop owners are. They are afraid!!
Qatar? Safe?
It's in the Gulf Times, MN.
Can we have some first sources, please?
for soft drinks only?? like seriously...then if others always leave without paying then why run after this incident and get run over..senseless land cruiser drivers..do they even have a heart?
A tragic and senseless death. May he rest in peace. I sicerely hope that the criminal is caught and punished.
He gave life for a few riyals. :o(