Weather Alert
We have received a letter from Presidency of Meteorology and Environment (PME) stating that in the period of Monday March 23rd until Wednesday March 25th that all kingdom cities will be affected by climate changes and there is a chance that wind speed will pick up to 55 km/hr causing sand storms, and limited vision. Following that, temperature degrees will drop.
Therefore, we urge you to be alerted specially during commuting and keep driving to a minimal. Also protect your eyes and respiratory system.
وردنا تحذير من الرئاسة العامة للأرصاد وحماية البيئة أن مناطق المملكة سوف تتأثر بتقلبات جوية و نشاط في الرياح السطحية تصل سرعتها إلى 55 كلم/س خلال الفترة من يوم الاثنين الموافق 23/3/2009 إلى يوم الأربعاء الموافق 25/3/2009 مما قد يسبب عواصف رملية قد تحد من الرؤية. يعقب ذلك انخفاض في درجات الحرارة.
لذا ننصحكم عند تدني الرؤية بعدم قيادة المركبات إلا عند الضرورة مع توخي الحذر، حماية الجهاز التنفسي من استنشاق الأتربة، و حماية العين من الأتربة المتطايرة
E mail was passed to me from hubby time I will be more careful w/source and specifics.
that was exactly my thought, MD.. :)
vickyk1, don't you know that you have to indicate the source of your information?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
thanks for the posting.
Which 'kingdom'? Saudi arabia or Bahrain?
thsnk you for posting though
I also heard that its gonna rain this Friday.