No recycling in Qatar??

By qwertyatoz •
Just arrived in Qatar from Canada two months ago and very disappointed to see no recycling in Qatar. We should be recycling plastic and metal and paper. I've started reusing my 1000 plastic grocery bags from Family Food - just fold them up and take them back. And I hate throwing out my soda cans and plastic milk bottles. C'mon Qatar - you are so efficient in some ways; with your country developing so quickly, now is the time to pay attention to the environment too.
Thanks for your reply. I was not really thinking about myself, though all I do here is reuse my grocery bags. You don't know of any organizations in Qatar that one could join to see if we could make an impact on a larger scale - trying to promote reusable bags at the grocery stores, for example?
Yes, I had an idea about that but would not know where to start. In Canada, where I am from, this would not be needed because the recycling movement is so strong. But here, a person could make more impact because so little is being done so far. You have any idea where to start?
behind where I work, there is a metal cage which says, recyling paper. people duly put it in but no one ever collects it. Is it this to make us feel better? one does wonder
But I thought Qatar was a "green" country--at least that is what the papers keep saying about the plans for the WC 2022. Carbon neutral!
hahah recycling in qatar, you jest surely
The best thing to do with plastic bottles and cans is put them in separate bags and leave them by the side of the skips (English word I know). There are men that go through the rubbish and pick out plastic bottles and cans - I am hoping they can sell them or use them. I leave them by the side – it is easier for them. As for newspapers and magazines - save them up and send them into schools. Newspapers are used for papier-mâché and magazines are used to help the smaller children with cutting skills. Egg boxes are also needed. Cans can be washed and used by gardeners - they use them to plant seeds in. You can also buy big bins here that can be used for vegetable clippings - save these up and use the rotted vegetable clippings as fertiliser. It may be on the same scale as we are used to in our home countries – but we can do our bit.