FLU VACCINE A (H1N1): a famous neurosurgeon
warned! Nobody should accept the vaccine against swine flu. ... This is one of the most dangerous vaccines ever made. It contains an additive called squalene (MF-59). It has been shown that this product could cause serious autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. These adjuvant vaccine has been implicated in the syndrome of the Gulf War that killed more than 10,000 soldiers and caused an increase of 200% of Lou Gehring's disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or disease Charcot (ALS), a fatal disease.
>>> The H1N1 virus kills by causing a "cytokine storm", causing the immune system to overreact. That is why it kills young people and causes a mild illness in most older people whose immune system is weakened further. This vaccine is a potent stimulator of immunity that makes the virus capable of much more lethal.
The best protection is vitamin D3. It should be as soon as possible by taking 5,000 IU (IU in English) by day and when the disease begins to spread, increasing the dose of 15,000 IU per day. Vitamin D3 modulates the immune response, reducing the risk of overreaction. It stimulates the body to produce so-called antimicrobial peptides (antimicrobial peptides) powerful destructive viruses that do not involve immunity. The effect is proportional to the administered dose. The higher the dose of vitamin D3, the higher the protection. Fish oils also help to reduce an excessive immune reaction. A teaspoon a day would suffice. (The best is fish oil lemon Carlson Norwegian). In cases of severe symptoms, take one teaspoon twice a day. Other antioxidants may also be useful as turmeric, "quercetin, extract of grapefruit seed, vitamin C and vitamin E natural. Input multi mineral / vitamin is also essential.
Can I ask you reply this message. People must know how to protect themselves.
Dr. Russell L. BLAYLOCK, M.D.
http://blogs.redding.com/tpratt/archives/2009/10/health-experts.html Trudi Pratt, October 4, 2009.
I send you below some recommendations that could be very useful.
Prevention of influenza H 1N1
The author of the following is Dr. Vinay Goyal, an internationally recognized emergency physician, director of a department of nuclear medicine, thyroid and heart. Here is his message full of meaning, it is important to know as many people as possible.
The only means of access for the influenza virus, are the nostrils, mouth and throat.
During an epidemic so widespread, it is virtually impossible not to come into contact with the H 1N1 despite all precautions.
However, the real problem is not so much contact with the virus that its proliferation.
While we are healthy and that we do not show symptoms of H1N1 infection, there are precautions to prevent the spread of the virus, worsening symptoms and development of secondary infections.
Unfortunately, these precautions, relatively simple, are not sufficiently publicized in most official communications.
Here are some of these precautions:
As mentioned in most commercials, * Wash hands frequently *.
Avoid as far as possible to touch your face with your hands.
Twice a day, gargle with warm salt water. It takes normally between 2 and 3 days between when the throat and nostrils are infected and the onset of symptoms. Gargle regularly may prevent the spread of the virus. Somehow, gargle with salt water, has the same effect on a healthy person as the vaccine on an infected person. Do not underestimate this preventive method simple, inexpensive and effective.
At least once a day, clean the nostrils with warm salt water. His nose vigorously and then, using a cotton swab dipped in hot water with salt, brush both nostrils. This is another effective method to reduce the spread of the virus.
Strengthening our immune system by eating foods rich in vitamin "C". If vitamin C is taken in tablet form, ensure that they also contain Zinc * * to accelerate absorption.
Drink as much as possible from hot drinks. (Tea, coffee, teas, etc.) Hot beverages have the same effect as a gargle but in reverse. Hot drinks cleanse the throat virus that could be there then drag them into the stomach where they can survive, thereby preventing their proliferation or other damage.
Very nice article! It has given me more input about quercetin and made me want to try it today. I hope it would work wonders for me. Thanks for sharing this information!
Is this the same opinion as Hamad (HMC)'s??? Just want to know. Thanks.
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