Great News : The World’s Most Fuel Efficient Car that Can Travel 25000 km/litre

The world’s most fuel efficient car developed by French students can travel up to 25,000 km/litre. A test drive between London and Paris was performed which costed only 20 cents. If the calculation are done on the same pattern, it would cost only US$ 26 for the travel between the farthest points on the earth. The car was designed by French students at La Joliverie College, Nantes.
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We give so much to this world , but look at people like Jasmine & think do narrow minded similar folks deserve all the new tech & appreciate environ. issues. Who hates a human being can't be concerned about the nature etc ..... Hope these people realize , they must admit their sickness & seek med. atten. ....... http://www.qatarliving.com/qatar-living-lounge/posts/strong-bond ... Mon, 02.06.2014 , 07.33 hrs
Example2. Ego & madness at it's height in Jasmine's poisonous comments .... as often ....... http://www.qatarliving.com/qatar-living-lounge/posts/who-person Mon, 02.06.2014 , 07.19 hrs
I salute them. Thanks Niyaz ............. Mon, 02.06.2014 , 07.15 hrs ... We need more people to find a solution for those crazy ones who are full of hatredness & jealousy with fellow humans. ... http://www.qatarliving.com/qatar-living-lounge/posts/novelty-travelling , Look at Jasmine's baseless heartburn .........