earthhour 2009

By veggiebaby •
EARTHHOUR 2009 is on 28 March 2009. From 830-930 pm most of the major cities around the world would be switching their lights off to make a stand against global warming, unfortunately, Doha hasn't signed up for this, yet.
Who do you think we should convince/contact so that Doha won't get left behind in this huge endeavor to save our planet?
Nevertheless, let's just participate and stay in the dark for just 60 mins on the aforementioned date! Please spread the word.
who said doha hasn't signed up it had come in gulf times some weeks back and Doha's in it.
There is no such thing as Global warming...Global Warming is a conspiracy theory!!!
What is the green house Gas:
Water Vapour.....70% of this makes up the green house gas!!!
Dont start laughing. Most people dont "research" the subject.
TV is a good medium to hypnotize people.
They show ice bergs melting after winter and blame it on Global warming. Strangely whenever there is Snow it is also blamed on Global "WARMING"
I think EarthHour is a good day to tell people about the farce that is "Global Warming"
It was recognised last year in Doha, though I'm not sure if it was "officially" recognised, so I expect something will happen here this year as well.