Earth Hour in Doha - Qatar

Wherever you are in Qatar, Switch-off the power of your house or office for ONE hour on March 27, 2010 starting at 8:30 p.m. Doha local time, in a symbolic stance against global warming.
In 2009 hundreds of millions of people in 88 countries around the world showed their support by turning off their lights for one hour.
This year Earth Hour has reached more countries than ever before. If you would like to find out more about Earth Hour activities happening in your local area then please contact us.
Earth Hour 2010 will continue to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to show leadership and be responsible for our future.
Pledge your support here and turn off your lights for one hour, Earth Hour, 8.30pm, Saturday 27th March 2010.
It’s Showtime! Show what can be done.
ill post the link on my fb to spread the word..
wht abiout me? im working in hospital...if i do tht, my boss will killl me. but i can always suggest my family back home to do it.
There is a lot of programs to resolve these issues. Most are supported by th UN. In addition, a lot of individuals and bussinesses in US, Erope, Australia and Asia are striving to combat those problem. Unfortunately, in the GCC and Middle East, governments as well as individuals and businesses have no time to support such initiatives. And if they did, it will be only for Media production...
Individuals like me and you have a great role to play in such issues. Let's just start "symbolic" and then I am sure soon we will have "effective progarms".
Just START by yourself FIRST!
Earth hour began in Australia!!! A country that is very much aware our actions on the planet.A history of Earth Hour for you
NOTHING to do with the US. Again, I mention your blinders?
smile lots laugh more
There is a lot of politics behind it!
Its like saying help the poor man from your dinner for him. (Well can you as a fat man say this to the Poor Man who is already starving?)
This is what climate change is all about.
US is the highest per capita polluter...its amazing they are pointing their fingers at others ...without even solving the issue at home!!!
Its like a gulf country preaching about equality of women and woman's liberation/emancipation to USA.
It is So STARK yet we cant see it. Power of MEDIA.
And jack...there are documents to support any science notion out there....the trick is to be able to read the data...not the words. Statistics is a fun game
smile lots laugh more
jackmohan I agree that a lot of environmental concerns are bullcrap but still saving energy doesn't hurt :)
/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!
That isn't what I was stunned by.
Climate Change Agenda is more serious than Hitler's Nazi agenda.
That statement was shocking! And this event is about warming or not, we are sucking the earth dry of its natural resources so anything to support mother nature....or Allah's creation (however you look at it) can't be a bad thing. From awareness spreads action
smile lots laugh more
This is an attempt to completely stop Industrialization of the Developing countries.
Climate is dependent upon the Sun and not on mankind! Our forefathers knew it.
If Earthhour succeeds countries like China, India, Brazil, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc will have to stop their industrial production. Middle east countries will have their oil production controlled and manipulated.
All this will favour the West . Their take is West will produce Asia & Arab countries can only consume and will have to be dependent on them.
West has realised that they have lost the game of Industrialization to the East as countries with cheaper labor will always produce cheaper goods.
Climate Change Agenda is more serious than Hitler's Nazi agenda.
I hope we can discuss about this when ever earthour is mentioned.
The Climate Change Agenda is full of lies and loopholes....
There was no Research on "Melting Himalayan Glaciers" yet they claim it to be so!!!
Read on:
snowyowl ...I am surprised you have no problems ...when the so called "scientist" are producing fraud as evidence.
There was no Research on "Melting Himalayan Glaciers" yet they claim and elaborate on how fast it is such a speed that it will be nonexistent by 2035. (Its there in the link I gave above)
If you can believe that a "science document"...then I cannot reason with you!
Holy crap jack!!! You seriously have no life outside your blinders do you??
smile lots laugh more
will spread the words...
I may not be PERFECT
but PARTS of me are pretty AWESOME!
marie every great journey begins with a single step :)
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yeah, energy saving for one hour WK... You could save more if you want to...
And that is more "huge".
...listen to the sound of silence....
marie keeping the power off for one hour can result in huge energy savings too so not just symbolic :P
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Is that all? just to show a "symbolic" stance against global warming?
No programs to resolve it?
Anyway, thanks for posting
...listen to the sound of silence....
I will.
/\____/\___/\_______/\______________/\__ ____________________________________ You Lost Me!!
Thanks for your comment..., it revealed a lot about your personality!!
You have to be a complete dumba$$ to take part in this.