Did climate change contribute to Sandy? Yes

Did climate change contribute to Sandy? Yes
By Dr. Bob Corell, Dr. Jeff Masters, and Dr. Kevin Trenberth
As Hurricane Sandy battered the East Coast last week, meteorologists and climate scientists were repeatedly asked to explain what role climate change played in amplifying the storm.
We did our best to answer: We know that a warming climate puts more energy into storms, including hurricanes, loading them with more rainfall and the stronger winds pushing more of a storm surge. That makes flooding more likely. We also know that storm surge now rides higher on sea levels that have risen over the last century due to global warming, amplifying losses where the surge strikes. On the stretch of the Atlantic Coast that spans from Norfolk to Boston, sea levels have been rising four times faster than the global average.
It’s time to stop asking when climate change will arrive. It’s here, and we need to move aggressively to curb carbon emissions while also preparing for a changed world. We are at nothing less than a critical juncture.
/Full article:
Flying Ace - what you just said is asinine
Was it Really Nature at its Best or Haarp was the Culprit... ;)
With more water vapour in the air and rising seas through thermal expansion, Climate change is a mulitiplier in the devastating effects of storms such as these.
..this was just another hurricane, like other tens of them that are happening every year.. In 2012, over 10 hurricanes have happened before Sandy. The difference is that Sandy was much stronger and wider, thereofre noticable.. and who said, it happened first time in the earth history?
Recently I've come accross 10-episods video about Tzunami, which struck the coasts of the Indian Ocean in 2004. And guess what, there are evidences of at least three previous major tsunamis of similar strength in the preceding 2,800 years, the most recent from about 550 to 700 years ago..
Creation of such devastating nature disaster is a combination of many factors. The more factors/random events and details come together, the more devastating the disaster.. Hopefully the hurricane of such enormous strength and width won't occure in another 550-700 years..
Hurricanes hit the American northeast every so often too. Last one was a couple of years ago.
the last 200 odd years. Which countries, historically are responsible for this dramatic increase?
Nomerci - there is no other explanation for the rapid rise in avg global temp over such a short period. Temperature affects climate to the detriment of life on earth. The essence of greenhouse theory
Britex- because this is what the likes of climatologists such as James Hansen have saying many years ago- man made climate change will have an effect on frequency and severity of storms. What we see today is just for 0.6 degree warming. Can you imagine what it would be like with up to 2 degrees warming which the scientists say is the pipeline already and is inevitable??
Since the world came into existence there have been various changes of the climate.
Nothing unusual or new at all.
Read a little of the history of planet earth (the scientific version ;) and you will see.
Yes, climate change is here. But why do we always look for reasons ?
Would you ask the same question if it was sunny for a week in Scotland ?
"...due to human (western) activity." May I remind you that Qatar has the highest CO2 output per capita, the highest water consumption per capita and the highest waste production per capita in the WORLD. Since when does Qatar belong to the West??
Earth is getting old. Humans are becoming more abusive.
strawman. You could easily argue the deniers have vested big oil interests. Stick to the science
So, authored by individuals who have NO vested interest in Climate change for their careers and research grants and 'quangos'?
No - in fact climate has been stable for 100,000 + years. Thats why civilaization has been allowed to take hold and flourish. Now its changing dramatically directly due to human (western) activity
Of course it did; it changed from cool and calm to wet and rather windy.
Climate changes all the time.......
Go ahead, SPLITT!
then we should be doing everything we can to change it.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is, however, to change it." (Marx:‘Theses on Feuerbach’)
SPLITT, neither do I speak for the un-born nor for the living. I only say how it is.
But anyone that matters within this field of science (climatetologists) dont have a different view.
And SPOCK - when did you become the spokes persons for the unborn?
And? Who says the human race is worth being sustained? Maybe the universe is interested in wiping us out? At least the physics of the universe are not at all "human friendly"! As Sam Neil said in the BBC series "Space": the fact that we are here is surprising, because we shouldn't be here."
except this time with human fingerprints
It was the climate that allowed the build-up of Sandy, and climate changes all the time!
No It was the dead body of Osama bid Laden who came to haunt Americans from the sea!