Cleaning up
By vanish_forever •
Anyone interested in doing regular clean ups of some of the dunes and beaches in Qatar? The kind of mess people leave behind is disgusting... if we can form groups and take turns on weekend to go around and do some clearing it would be great.
We can start with the singing dunes area, then check out beaches near umm baab etc.
i would love to join in cleaning the beaches, my comment was in the worng place it was for another topic... here is my number to prove that i will join any group for cleaning any beach in doha 5414895... sorry again
profile Speed ;)
I was wondering were you got his hobbies from... clever (",)
Ali85... join one of our beach cleaning campaign, am sure you will regret your comments later :-)
may be one of those that would benefit from such a clean up.
His hobbies are all beach based.
- wakeboarding
- Sk8ing
- Swimming
Whats your problem Ali... got up from the wrong side of the bed?
ali85.. if u dont like helping atleast dont insult .. others.
+| Jokk3R |+
Go have a life lady, u have no idea why is she doing that. + i think u r too boring to write this story. : )
why don't you join our online Volunteers Group on QL.
Here is our last QLVG beach clean drive:
Click the link to join QLVG and also you can browse our past activities:
heheheeeeehehhhe...condoms on im ready..
"War is not fought to determin who is right, only who is left".
I think authorities must have done something for that....
But, if u people are doing something in that direction, i will be part of it....
Bad is never good untill worse happens...
be careful of the soiled diapers and used condoms.