"Black Friday" new trick against muslims?

By separatecase@gm... •
This Holy Friday is known as Black Friday in USA CANADA ETC
Why only this Friday?is this a new way of mocking this most important Friday of Muslim calandar a joke?
i Think this is a trick of Moving Muslims from their holy activities of the House of ALLAH and join the activities of house of satin "shopping"
their are biggest sales of the year tommorow and had been planed about a week ago? so what do u think??
comments are appreciated by people of all religions
It's the era of globalisation. There isn't much left which can be termed western, eastern or middle eastern. We are all interconnected.
i dont think this issue should be raised here in QL. why we need to connect the celebration of western countries to mideast countries? does not make any sence at all.
You said it Sandy.
- God Gives n Forgivs .. We Gets n Forgets -
I think all the married guys labelled it "Black" as their wives spend all their savings shopping on this day.
No way..not MY Daria!!! :(
Don't have to worry about its terminology. The short definition borrowed from wikipedia are as follows:- "Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, which is the beginning of the traditional Christmas shopping season. The term dates back to at least 1966, although its usage was primarily on the East coast. The term has become more common in other parts of the country since 2000. Because Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States, Black Friday occurs between the 23rd and the 29th of November. According to Reuters, in 2007 135 million people participated in the Black Friday shopping rush." Shalom...
Harmagedōn, why this answer, too hateful.
YOU too should buy a mirror.
this is the only answer i wanted .........some ass holes dont know what is the question thanks!!!
Separate Case... your name implies it. You lack intelligence.
I have no clue what Black Friday is, therefore I consult some internet sources. Within 10 seconds... I reach the following conclusions:
1) Change your Mullah, obviously you look for excuses to put yourself, and Muslims, in the role of victim. This is not natural, hence I suspect you are being brainwashed.
2)Aggression is in the past, religions in the West (largely) go hand in hand
3) Have a look at your own. Have a look at how tolerant Muslims are towards Christians. How many churches in Qatar, opposed to the number of expats? How many Mosques in Europe? Ah, yes... uncountable.
Instead of pointing your finger, buy a mirror....
THINK... THINK... and speak.
Black Friday has followed THANKSGIVING for decades. THANKSGIVING is always the 4th Thursday of November. It is a cultural holiday for Americans. Black Friday begins the shopping season and countdown to CHRISTMAS. Like a post above said, most Americans are not even aware of Eid al Adha and it just so happened to fall on THANKSGIVING for the Americans. So just cool your jets, Black Friday has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM.
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
READ THIS!!! If you want to know about "Black Friday", it's a marketing gimmick to get the US to start shopping for Christmas NOW!
say what? :/
its "Mick O'Neil's" and its Daria :) and Svetlana....I have taken advice from many on here and I will try to save their moral souls from,,,well, you know (me) :)
OK, have a blast! If you'll see Liudmila in "Drunken Sailor" bar, tell her I miss her! :(
its like this "no" :)
I travel a lot to eastern europe, mostly Ukraine and Russia, and its hard work but really worth it,,,,the gals are absolutely beautiful, and very educated,,,,its a nice combo,,,and things are very free and open. They are not hung up on a lot of stuff,,,its quite a change from here..
mmyke, you're going to Odessa? You lucky ba***rd!
Take me with you, pleeeeeaaaaseeeee! :)
Napoleon mmyke...
McDowells or something?."Bombay Blue" perhaps...they should sell that with a pack of Rolaids taped to the side of the bottle..
After hearing about odessa, I need a beer myself :(
Got some crappy rum with me which is giving me company but I can do with a chilled beer right now...
Odessa...Odessa.... :)
Where are you going mmyke? Obviously some where nice.
This thread needs to be hijacked. I filled my fridge with some nice nibbles for the break, plenty of bebsi and a couple of good books. Only one root beer left though.
Must admit the temptation to find somewhere for a beer this weekend is stronger than ever before.
be sitting on the main street of a beautiful city admiring the architecture,,,,and the buildings are very nice as well...:) thank goodness!
timebandit I don't think you will mind if I hijack this one ;)
Hit the root beer with a vengeance my friend.. You have your fun too.....
It's only going to be one or two no lifers left on QL over Eid. Everyone is off enjoying themselves. Dam those people with lives, how dare they have fun when I have to read silly threads like this one. I hope you are all happy now... go on leave... walk out the door... don't turn around now... cos - oops sorry came over a little strange then.
Enjoy your R & R....
the problem isn't with you,,,,me, I am packing,,late flight tonight,,,,
I thought I got too drunk too early tonight and words have stopped making sense...
Welcome to QL snigger snigger
someone is ratling on about something totally silly..
i am sorry what
The USA and Canada do not know that Islam even exists beyond suicide bombings which appear on their TV screens everynight like Disney. They just think its some sort of wierd entertainment for someone else,,,which might well be the case.
So don't worry your head about it....
I think you are paranoid