Where can i unlock my Iphone 4

By newzealand1020 •
Does anyone know where i can get my i phone 4 unlocked. Its frozen and is on version 4.2.
Its locked to a american network.
Can anyone help.
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which carrier version r u having? if its updated to new one there's no unlock released yet for the new bootroom.
but u can jailbreak it 4.2.1,,, & i can do that for u if u want .......:)
which carrier version r u having? if its updated to new one there's no unlock released yet for the new bootroom.
but u can jailbreak it 4.2.1,,, & i can do that for u if u want .......:)
Try in Al Saad lots of shop will do it for you. call # 55065286 name Rami