Question about wii in Doha - confused!
I am interested in buying a Nitendo wii, but am totally confused. I know Qatar is a PAL region, not NTSC like the USA. So why do most of the stores in Doha sell only NTSC wii games? If I buy an NTSC wii will it work in Doha? Look, if you are an expert, just tell me what to do. (Why does everything purchase nowdays require a college degree?) Should I get an NTSC or a PAL wii while living in Doha? Thanks.
Mr. Qatar 147
Good day.
Maybe you can give the address and telephone
number of the shop installing this chip.
I have an NTSC Wii console but, mistakenly I bought
a PAL disc game. Now, i cannot play it.
the answer is quite simple. you could buy either pal or ntsc and just have it converted so you could buy those cheap pirated games.
My dear it is so simple, most of PAL games are coming from Japan and Asian countries and all or most with no english titles, so people here buy the NTSC one's coming for the US region thats it, the other thing is that you can buy the Wii and install a chip in any shop i can guid with one if you want that let you play PAL and NTSC versions plus the copied dvd's ;) thats a nice one right, you can buy the dvd for 35 rials instead of paying 200+ and you can find the latest too.
let me know if you need any help.... [email protected]
I have a WII
bought in the states so NTSC version. Most stores here sell both PAL and NTSC games, BUT you have to make sure when you buy a game which version you are buying. Ask the salespeople over and over which version the game is. Some you can easily tell as they have it written on them, others it is impossible to tell. Be warned, you cannot take things back here. I have been unlucky to buy a game or two with the salesperson promising me it was NTSC only to get it home and find it to be PAL GRRR. Now I only buy the games in the states over the summer.
I have a wii with me, bought a few months ago.. it seems most of the stores sell games for both versions of the for i guess it does not matter which version of wii you buy..but who knows in the future they may stop the american version here..
It seems that most shops carry the NTSC version of the Wii here in Doha, so I would buy an NTSC version. Most TVs support both standards over here, so that shouldn't be a problem.
Besides, games usually come out on NTSC systems months before the PAL systems get them.